Why did the Army miss the warning signs from soldier who expressed ISIS sympathies? – IOTW Report

Why did the Army miss the warning signs from soldier who expressed ISIS sympathies?

AT: A retired military judge questioned why the Army allowed a soldier to continue on active duty despite his statements in support of ISIS.

Col. Gregory Gross said there were similarities between the case of Sgt. 1st Class Ikaika Kang, who was arrested on terrorism charges, and the case of Major Nidal Hasan, who opened fire on soldiers at Fort Hood in 2009, killing 13 14 (including one soldier’s unborn baby –ed.).

Hasan’s views on Islamic extremism were well known to his colleagues and superiors.  The same was apparently true of Sgt. Kang.

Fox News:

Noel Tipon, an attorney in military and civilian courts, said there’s nothing in the Army manual on removing soldiers from the service that would address allegations like speaking favorably about a group like Islamic State.

He suspects the FBI wanted to Kang to stay in the Army while they investigated whether he had collaborators.

“They probably said `let’s monitor it and see if we can get a real terrorist cell,’ ” said Tipon, who served in the Marine Corps.

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11 Comments on Why did the Army miss the warning signs from soldier who expressed ISIS sympathies?

  1. Obama and the dems have salted these animals all over the country so there’s little doubt we can expect more attacks. The military is heavily infected with political correctness so I don’t hold out much hope that will get fixed anytime soon. 8 yrs of that traitor has really done alot of harm.

  2. “Why did the Army miss the warning signs…?”

    Because the Army was too busy making sure their mentally ill homos and trannies were getting in positions of power.

  3. From above: “…nothing in the Army manual on removing soldiers from the service that would address allegations like speaking favorably about a group like Islamic State.”

    Like was pointed out in ‘A Few Good Men’, nothing in the manual about where the mess hall is located either. But mass starvation of troops is almost unheard of.

    This was a failure of local command.

    Let the phuckin’ FBI follow the guy around AFTER he’s been kicked out.

  4. Political correctness, muslim convert officers above him, and lawyers, tons and tons of lawyers who develop and produce the rules and protocols of engagement.

    Bullets are not for enemies, they are for stockpiling for the coming right-wing insurrection and population uprisings.

  5. “nothing in the Army manual on removing soldiers from the service that would address allegations like speaking favorably about a group like Islamic State.”
    However, speaking favorably about Christianity can earn a service member a Dishonorable Discharge.

  6. Can you imagine the military, in 1943 saying: “nothing in the Army manual about removing soldiers from the service for speaking favorably about a group like the Nazis.” But back then, even the Democrats recognized the enemy. Well, at least THAT enemy; they were willfully blind to the commies.

  7. Why? It’s because they don’t want to find them!

    Same as when I in the Navy and it was clear they didn’t really want to catch all the pot smokers. Being suspected was enough to require you be kicked off a submarine crew. Proof wasn’t needed. Rumor was the knew if they busted everyone who was guilty they wouldn’t have the crew needed to send the boats on patrol. This was before the collapse of the USSR.

    When I was first sent to Pearl Harbor I spend a month living in the sub crew barracks on Ford Island. Before I found an apartment and my wife arrived.

    One day one of the guys said, “There’s going to be a drug raid on the barracks next Tuesday.”
    “Oh, really. How would you know that?”, I asked.
    “They just raided the barracks on the main side today. They always raid this barracks on the same day of the week exactly one week later.” He said. Pretty clear they were only out to capture the complete idiots who didn’t remove their stash and clean there room before ‘raid day’.

    It was pretty much the same way Obama conducted the war against the Taliban. He always told them in advance when the attacks were coming, what kind they would be and when they would completely stop. No way to defeat an enemy. And looking the other way is no way to catch an enemy sympathizer.

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