ICE Director Says There Could Be More Than 12 Million Illegals In US – IOTW Report

ICE Director Says There Could Be More Than 12 Million Illegals In US



“One thing President Trump did with the executive orders is he took the handcuffs off of officers. Now they can enforce the laws enacted by Congress,” Homan told TheDC. “The executive orders could’ve been written in one sentence: ‘You are now allowed to enforce the law as written.’ There’s been a lot of people off the table. Now there’s no population off the table anymore.”

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13 Comments on ICE Director Says There Could Be More Than 12 Million Illegals In US

  1. Well, since they have been using the 11 million number since at least 2004, and for the Obama years they admit that at least 1 million a year have snuck across the border, I’d say yeah, there might be at least 30 million.

  2. If the administration and it’s officials finally come clean after years (and I suspect President Bush was somewhat shy with the numbers as well) of half-truths and avoidance then maybe people will realize that there are 12 million people illegally in your country taking up resources in medicine, food, employment (what was that unemployment number among young blacks again?), shelter, government money, education, transportation etc etc etc and only returning a fraction of in in the way of direct and non-direct taxes.
    If a Democrat (or somebody that always votes that way) actually is forced to look at an unemployed neighbour whose kids have to live on government assistance, who may lose his house and who lost their job to an illegal who undercut their salary maybe, just maybe this guy will open his/her eyes to the reality out there and change their vote as well as the votes of others just like them.

  3. Right on Tony R! It’s been 20 years of 11 million, with at least a million more per year… But the number sticks! 8 years of Baracko had to have added 15 million+

    Mr. Trump, please STOP this!

    Oh yeah… then the H1B problem – can we make America(ns) GREAT again or what?

  4. 30 to 40 million. That “11 Million” number has been the MSM mantra since at least 1993 (first Bill Clinton term). It was a deliberate underestimate even then, 25+ years ago.

    They can be made to self deport.
    The 10% minority stupid enough to try to stay can be easily rounded up with a Bounty system and a 800 Tipline.

    This is our country. It’s not some vacant abandoned house, up for grabs.


  5. Can’t Congress just make it a felony to enter the US illegally? It would solve so many issues. Like… convicted felons aren’t allowed to vote, and if you’re illegal felon and caught… it bars you from EVER getting into this Country legally in the future.

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