Donald Trump’s Aides Develop Plans to Halve Legal Immigration – IOTW Report

Donald Trump’s Aides Develop Plans to Halve Legal Immigration


Donald Trump’s administration is developing plans to significantly cut legal immigration into the United States, fulfilling one of his major campaign promises, a report from Politico has revealed.

According to the report, Trump plans to support a bill prepared by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) later this summer that proposes a 50 percent cut in legal immigration until 2027 to help raise Americans’ productivity.

“Senator Cotton knows that being more deliberate about who we let into our country will raise working-class wages, which is why an overwhelming majority of Americans support it,”  Caroline Rabbitt, a spokeswoman for Cotton, told the outlet. “He and Senator Perdue are working with President Trump to fix our immigration system so that instead of undercutting American workers, it will support them and their livelihoods.”

The senators have also been working closely with White House aide Stephen Miller, known for his firm pro-American stance on immigration. While working as a staff member for Attorney General Jeff Sessions when he was Senator for Alabama, Miller was credited with helping to defeat a bipartisan 2013 immigration-expansion plan dubbed the “Gang of Eight” bill.

“In order to be eligible for citizenship, you’ll have to demonstrate you are self-sufficient and you don’t receive welfare,” a senior administration official from the White House told Politico. “You’re going to reduce low-skilled immigration substantially, which will protect American workers and recent immigrants.”  more

h/t Webonot

7 Comments on Donald Trump’s Aides Develop Plans to Halve Legal Immigration

  1. Yesterday, we reached the 50K cap on ‘migrants’ from the middle east. There isn’t supposed to be anymore of them coming. However, new applicants have to have immediate family already living here who are not on welfare, have criminal records, etc.

  2. Not sure why this should take any additional legislation. It used to be that in order to queue up for immigration one had to have a sponsor in this country who was responsible for the immigrant — sorta like a co-signer, who vouched for the immigrant’s character, financial ability, etc., and was on the hook if things went sideways. Why aren’t we just dusting off the old, wholly adequate law and saving $$ having the Congress goof around with new legislation? Times a’wastin’ and so are our tax dollars.

  3. It sounds like a step in the right direction. Experience suggests, however, that if we don’t go all the way and enact the full moratorium on all immigration, it still allows the monied, lawyered, deeply corrupt, and connected-at-every-level immigration/refugee/invasion apparatus to continue to roll on and game the system at every turn — and keep the invasion going. And don’t kid yourself friends, it is an invasion. You can see what happens when people try to stop it. It’s still the 3rd rail of US politics and the media and communists avoid talking about it b/c it truly is their Precious.

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