GOP Tree Huggers – IOTW Report

GOP Tree Huggers

American Thinker: They are the worshipers of a lesser god, global warming.  Foreign Policy, the propaganda arm of the Brookings Institution, reports that a number of Republican congressmen helped defeat an amendment to the 2018 defense funding bill proposed by Scott Perry of Pennsylvania.  Perry’s amendment would have removed an amendment introduced by Jim Langevin of Rhode Island to require the Department of Defense to report on global warming.

Langevin’s amendment has some amusing bits.  In the supporting evidence for global warming, one piece of evidence listed to demonstrate that global warming is really, truly, unequivocally happening is on page four:

(13) In the Yukon Training Area, units conducting artillery training accidentally started a wildfire despite observing the necessary practices during red flag warning conditions.

So some artillery rounds set fire to some brush in Alaska.  And as a consequence, the Department of Defense is required to examine the effects of make-believe on its operations?  On page five, the make-believers listed their demands with respect to the report the Department of Defense is required to compile, including reporting on the effects of increased flooding and drought at the same time.  The make-believers shouldn’t be forced to choose.  They can have both flood and drought if they want them, and if everyone believes.  MORE  [There’s a list of tree-huggers]

6 Comments on GOP Tree Huggers

  1. I have an acquaintance whose youngest son is in his final year at Weat Point. The family leans to the right, but this son has gone hard left at West Point. He spouts talking points at propaganda no different than a black-foot hippie, and he attends Democrat-sponsored retreats with a cadre of like-minded cadets. This new breed will be perfectly happy if they can transform the mission the Army from fighting war to fighting warming. It’s what they are being taught now.

  2. My daughter wants to go to the Nave. Academy in a few years so she got to the Stem Camp at Annapolis this year. I have yet to clue her in on some discussions she brought back but I am now starting to call in the NAVE (L) gazing Academy.

  3. I see Issa and Ros-Lehtinen both voted for this atrocity AND for making DoD pay for transgender surgery. At least Ros-Lehtinen isn’t running for re-election but she is doing an awful lot of damage. Probably if I looked at both lists there would be a lot of matches but I am too depressed. The only good thing is no representative from Alabama was involved in either.

  4. You know it really wouldn’t be a bad idea for the gop to push for some rational issues regarding the environment. The left owns the issue and we loose too many votes because of it. Like tearing down those stupid windmill power generators due to avian species decline. {just an example}

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