ROMNEY, CLINTON campaign aides join forces to fight election ‘hacking’ – IOTW Report

ROMNEY, CLINTON campaign aides join forces to fight election ‘hacking’

American Mirror:

Losers from the last two presidential elections are teaming up to reinvent themselves as cyber security experts as part of a new initiative to combat election hacking.


“The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School launched a new, bipartisan initiative today called the ‘Defending Digital Democracy’ (DDD) Project,” the Center announced Tuesday.

“Co-led by the former campaign managers for Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney and experts from the national security and technology communities, including Facebook and Google, the project aims to identify and recommend strategies, tools, and technology to protect democratic processes and systems from cyber and information attacks.”

According to the Center’s news release, election hacking is an “urgent problem” and Robby Mook, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign manager, and Matt Rhoades, who directed Mitt Romney’s failed campaign, are just the people to fix it.  MORE

Mook is sending out some strange vibes. I wonder if he enjoys wearing Nikes and tracksuits?


7 Comments on ROMNEY, CLINTON campaign aides join forces to fight election ‘hacking’

  1. Hillary was pure perfection in her campaign. Trump was Satan. I’m with Her!(pes infected enabler of dirtbag roomie, hardly a husband) Is it yet time to file all of these losers under T. For Trash.
    Here are people to be kicked into trash pile for eternity. I don’t wish to hear from them or about it hem.
    Any Clinton
    Any Obama
    Any Waters
    Any McCain
    Any Bush

    Getting drowsy. Somebody can finish the list.

  2. Shit like this is exactly why we can’t sit back and wait for the DOJ to think they have enough evidence to pursue the Clinton criminal conspiracy! If they can’t build a case with what we all know we need a change. And what the hell is Romney thinking? Is he out of his mind too?

  3. Romney’s pure Uniparty.
    He would have jumped at being Hilary’s Veep if she had asked him.

    Mook knows exactly who killed Seth Rich.
    That’s his Renfield “I’ve been loyal to you, Master!” look.

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