Judge Halts Planned Auction of Madonna’s Used Panties – IOTW Report

Judge Halts Planned Auction of Madonna’s Used Panties

Big Hollywood:

Manhattan state Supreme Court Judge Gerald Leibovitz issued an order this week halting the auction of some of pop star Madonna’s most personal possessions, inducing a pair of previously worn underwear, a love letter from her ex-boyfriend and late rapper Tupac Shakur, and a hairbrush.

Gotta Have It! Collectibles is now forced to pull some 22 items belonging to the Material Girl from its rock-‘n’-roll-themed online auction, which is scheduled for Wednesday.

“The fact that I have attained celebrity status as a result of success in my career does not obviate my right to maintain my privacy, including with regard to highly personal items,” Madonna said, according to court documents obtained by the Associated Press. “I understand that my DNA could be extracted from a piece of my hair. It is outrageous and grossly offensive that my DNA could be auctioned for sale to the general public.”


25 Comments on Judge Halts Planned Auction of Madonna’s Used Panties

  1. Remember when Bill Clinton tried to wrote off his used undies? Comingling his with Madonna’s underwear would be a challenge for the most powerful anti-biotic to cure the outcome and then maybe not.

  2. The panties were confiscated and sent to USAMRIID and a biosafety level 4 laboratory at Ft. Detrick. Technicians in positive pressure suits are swabbing sections and placing samples into growth media as we speak.

    Maybe they will find a cure for weaponized crotch in time to save us.

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