Trump Delivers A Warning To Mueller – IOTW Report

Trump Delivers A Warning To Mueller

DC: President Donald Trump told The New York Times Wednesday that it would be improper for special counsel Robert Mueller to investigate his family’s finances in a manner not related to the probe into Russian election interference.

Mueller, a registered Republican, has hired at least seven Democratic donors to join his investigative team, including one attorney who donated roughly $34,000 to federal Democratic candidates.

Trump has previously called this hiring practice “ridiculous,” and was asked by the Times whether he would ever order the Justice Department to fire Mueller. He said he would not do so, but he did say that Mueller would cross a red line by opening a broad investigation into his family’s finances unrelated to the Russia investigation.  more here

14 Comments on Trump Delivers A Warning To Mueller

  1. Maybe it’s time to hire a special prosecuter to review Mueller’s work and to shadow him going forward to ensure that he is being non-partison. Just kidding, but if Trump ends up firing this guy he has to have solid gold reasoning and evidence of his bias against the President. If it reaches that point Sessions may have to go as well. Notice how the Clintons, who are as guilty as sin itself never have this crap. They’ve got a better cleanup crew I guess.

  2. Mueller is the ultimate revenge/harassment device put on the Donalds head by the ruling class! They would like nothing better than for him to fire Mueller! In fact, they are counting on it as the prime reason for both parties to join together and to impeach him! Poor President Trump he didn’t listen and obey the warning he received from Comey on behalf of the entrenched rulers!

  3. Mueller should be fired, his documents seized and a special counsel immediately appointed to look into his underhanded appointment and the resultant collusion between the two parties which are conspiring to undermine the American electoral system!

  4. Sessions could not have been any more disappointing if he’d been an actual Obama appointee.

    Mueller needs to be shut down. Borenstein, who hired him per Comey’s plan, needs to be made to fire Mueller, then retire.

    Trump needs a Warrior. His AG is more crucial than his VP.
    I expect Bannon has a good list of candidates.

  5. This is a gauntlet thrown down that young Democrat lawyers on Mueller’s staff will pick up with glee. This will blow back like a radioactive blow torch if Mueller wants to pursue it beyond this point. Once it starts, it will never end. Three or four years from now, Trump might get exonerated, but the damage will be done. All sorts of innocent people will get swept up in this witch hunt, dozens of lawyers will become enriched, and the MSDM will beat it to death. At the end of the investigation, several newly elected Democrat Senators and a dozen Conngressmen will have Mueller to thank for their new positions at the front of the great hog trough.

  6. Trump still has a ton of public good will and they see whats happening. I think he can fire that “registered republican” and any pushback will result in a public uprising. It’s everyone else up there thats universally hated now days. I say he should go for it, lets see what the scum will do about it. It;s not like it can get much more adversarial.

  7. This is not an investigation. It is a fund washing scheme. It is an Inquisition. Look at the Clinton links. How is this in anyway unbiased?

    Mueller has no limits on funds, how many he can funnel funds to or through and absolutely no guidelines of propriety.

    There probably is not one politician who has not been touched or has touched a Russian, during his lifetime.

  8. Is it really that difficult to find a loyal Republican to run that department??? There should be hundreds of resumes to pick through. I dont understand it.

    Hiring swamp rats to drain the swamp is not how i would do it.

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