Dem Strategist: Clinton Wasted $1.8 Billion Ignoring Black Voters – IOTW Report

Dem Strategist: Clinton Wasted $1.8 Billion Ignoring Black Voters


Democrats largely ignored black voters during the 2016 presidential election, according to a Thursday op-ed from Center For American Progress Fellow Steve Phillips.

The black activist and author asserted that the Democratic Party and former candidate Hillary Clinton wasted too much of the nearly $1.8 billion spent in the race chasing white supporters of President Donald Trump instead of campaigning in largely black neighborhoods to try and shore up the voter base.

Black voters didn’t show up on election day as a result, allowing Trump to take the lead in key states like Pennsylvania and Florida. Only 59.6 percent of all black citizens voted in the presidential race, down from 66 percent in 2012.  read  more

18 Comments on Dem Strategist: Clinton Wasted $1.8 Billion Ignoring Black Voters

  1. It was the media’s job to deliver the black vote. They were supposed to whip them into a racist frenzy. The theory was that this would raise turnout.

  2. Blacks were never going to get off the sofa to vote for a rich elderly white woman with a mean scowl.

    Much of the 60% supposed black vote she got was precinct fraud.
    Her actual black turnout was probably more like 40%.

    Blacks aren’t a serious voting bloc except local city elections where a corrupt Dem Mayor and council henchmen can completely control the vote “counting”.

  3. Center for American Progress is a hard-Left “think tank” funded by Soros.

    They aren’t a serious source for anything except Soros propaganda.
    Pro-Islam, pro-Illegals, pro-Globalist, anti-2A, anti-Western. CAP’s purpose is to produce agitprop “studies” and “research” for the MSM to promote.
    Despicable people.

  4. What makes this guy think that the people that voted Trump in 2016 won’t show up in the same if not greater numbers in 2018? A few ads targeted to to Blacks particularly if black unemployment drops may just work to get black voters out voting for Trump through GOP congressional candidates especially if more pro Trump black conservatives run. Remember that if LA County is taken out (all parties) Trump won the popular vote as well. I think this guy along with the other Dems and progs are just engaging in a circle jerk about 2018.

  5. Why should Clinton, or any other Demonrat, give a flying fig about pandering to the negro vote? They are on the Plantation. Lock, Stock, and Barrel. Between the Media and their unelected “Leaders” they have no choice. Their “preachers” take the “walkin ’round money” from the pols and Food Stamps, EBTs, and Section 8 are part of the fixed background.
    Long as they got Colt 45, Muscatel, Crack, Weed, some loose shoes, and a warm place to …, they’ll shuffle off to the polls (or be bussed) when it’s necessary. Other than that, nothin’s changed – still don’t need no money down for a house, don’t need a job, liquor stores are full, Lottery agents are on every corner, the numbers man still running numbers … what’s not to like?

    Some old, drunken, fat-legged, millionaire white lesbian din’t git the job she wanted?
    Cry me a river!
    Gotsta run! Orca’s on the TV!

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. 🔰 CONGRATULATIONS! 🔰 THE DNC HAS ACHIEVED STAGE #3, of the 5 STAGES OF GRIEF: 3. Bargaining. “If only we had done X, we would have won!”

    Oh yeeeeeeah,

    If only Hillary would have pop-locked and crotch-grabbed all over the ‘hood she would have racially pandered enough votes to win!

  7. She didn’t need to cater to black dems because she thought she already had them in her pocket. Like the states she failed to visit that ended up going to Trump. lol.
    The only 2 states a dem can take for granted are CA and NY.

  8. Gee Wally, why would anyone ever give a nuther nickel to a bunch of worthless idiots who have proven that they haven’t the slightest clue of how to be responsible with Other People’s money when they blow that kind of a wad on a giant, lying, rotten, sick, corrupt, foul, anti-semetic, nasty, old Cunt with the personality of a baked bean sandwich who’s dishonesty is only exceeded by her unbridled greed and lust for money & power!

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