Kansas: Lawsuits Against Election Committee Seek to Prevent Exposure of Non-Citizens on Voter Rolls – IOTW Report

Kansas: Lawsuits Against Election Committee Seek to Prevent Exposure of Non-Citizens on Voter Rolls

Breitbart: Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who serves as vice chairman of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, talked with Breitbart News Daily on Friday about efforts by groups like the ACLU and NAACP to prevent his commission from doing its work.

Kobach described the Commission on Election Integrity as “the first-ever nationwide bipartisan body investigating voter fraud in America.”

“You’ve got secretaries of state like me who have extensively investigated voter fraud in my state of Kansas and found a significant amount of it, but never have you had a commission of this nature,” he told SiriusXM host Alex Marlow. “Its work is so important because surveys show only 40 percent of Americans think elections are fair in this country.”  MORE

8 Comments on Kansas: Lawsuits Against Election Committee Seek to Prevent Exposure of Non-Citizens on Voter Rolls

  1. The same rigors that are applied to buying a gun should be applied to voting.

    Both are constitutional rights. Voter fraud by it’s very nature is an attack on democracy. I should like to see it treated as a direct attack on the constitutions and be elevated to the level of a capital crime with the sentence to be carried out within 14 business days of the verdict.

  2. These crazy liberals keep saying that there is no evidence of voter fraud but do everything they can to prevent finding the evidence. Something has to be done about these treasonous organizations.

  3. I live in Kansas. Ive had to show my drivers licese or state ID to vote for as along as i can remember….no big deal or hold up.

    If an EBT card can be had…ID can be, too


    Trump should bulldoze all opposition and forcibly check records in all 57 states!

    ISIS or (gulp!) Russians could be illegally influencing our sacred elections! Remember how important that is to liberals?

  5. I live in the City of Chicago and can totally verify there is absolutely NO voter fraud here at all PERIOD /s/

    Oh…and dead people absolutely are NOT on the voter rolls PERIOD (a little more /s/)

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