“In the America I grew up in, cities didn’t shield people who violated the law” – IOTW Report

“In the America I grew up in, cities didn’t shield people who violated the law”

The Lid: Something strange happened when Donald Trump was inaugurated as President. This giant cloud hanging over the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) suddenly lifted as ICE agents were given permission to do their jobs. Now six-months into the Trump Adminstation  morale among U.S. Border Patrol agents is at an all-time high according to Brandon Judd the president of the National Border Patrol Council. And morale may be about to get better.

Acting Director of ICE, Thomas Homan said he plans to further crack down on criminally trespassing aliens by sending more resources and agents to sanctuary cities. That’s right, we’re finally going after sanctuary cities. Homan spoke to the Washington Examiner earlier this week, and after calling  sanctuary cities  “ludicrous,” he added:

“In the America I grew up in, cities didn’t shield people who violated the law,” Homan told the publication. “What I want to get is a clear understanding from everybody, from the congressmen to the politicians to law enforcement to those who enter the country illegally, that ICE is open for business.”

“We’re going to enforce the laws on the books without apology, we’ll continue to prioritize what we do,” Homan continued. “But it’s not OK to violate the laws of this country anymore, you’re going to be held accountable.”

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11 Comments on “In the America I grew up in, cities didn’t shield people who violated the law”

  1. Most countries and cities around the planet don’t shield people who violate the law either unless they’re filled with dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation,Socialist, Bobble-Headed Kia Hamster Lemmings appealing to the world’s largest collection of worthless, federal tit-sucking, free-shit-grabbing, no morals, bastard-ass, unemployed, barely aware, dope-smoking, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, Escalade driving, Kool-Aid drinking, government-dependent, entitlement rich, busted-ass, uninformed, short attention span, Welfare parasites in lock-step with Stupid!


    No background checks
    No questions
    Free ammunition
    No permits required
    No registration
    No limits

    Our city protects the 2nd Amendment rights of our citizens outside of state or federal law.

    How does that sound?

  3. And while you’re arresting the illegal aliens, also arrest the authoritahs that are enacting and enforcing the “sanctuary city” rules. (can’t call them laws or regulations)

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