Lindsey Graham: Vote Me Out If You Oppose Amnesty and Outsourcing – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham: Vote Me Out If You Oppose Amnesty and Outsourcing

You heard her! Vote her out!


South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham is urging South Carolinians to vote against him when they disagree with his support for a national amnesty plus a greater inflow of foreign workers to take Americans’ jobs.

“To the people who object to this, I don’t want you to vote for me because I cannot serve you well,” he said in a Capitol Hill press conference July 20. He continued:

The key here is to be fair to the 11 million [illegal immigrants], starting with the [2 million younger illegals] ‘Dreamers,’ but convince people we’re going to do what our great friend [President] Ronald Reagan was not able to do, [that] we’re going to actually secure the border, control who gets a job, [and] increase legal immigration so [foreign] people don’t have to cheat [by illegally immigrating]…

I’ve stopped letting 30 percent of the people who are mad about immigration determine how I behave. To those who feel like you should deport [younger illegals], boy, I couldn’t disagree with you more…

To President [Donald] Trump, you’re going to have to make a decision. The campaign is over. To the Republican Party: Who are we? What do we believe? . . . When they write the history of these times, I’m going to be with these kids.

Graham staged the press conference to advertise his new legislation to provide an amnesty to illegal immigrants who were brought to into the United States by their parents as youths or children before 2013. Democrats and Graham describe the younger illegals as “Dreamers,” even though some are in their 30s of 40s. more here


” I’ve stopped letting 30 percent of the people who are mad about immigration determine how I behave.”

What a bitch! It’s a hell of a lot more than 30%, and you never cared what anyone thought about you in the first place.

“When they write the history of these times, I’m going to be with these kids.”

Yeah, well, maybe the authorities should be checking into that statement. lol.

Vote this POS out!

28 Comments on Lindsey Graham: Vote Me Out If You Oppose Amnesty and Outsourcing

  1. Oh those sweet adorable kids that have tattoos over 90% of their body that indicate they are MS-13 gang bangers? Or are you talking about the ones from Syria and surrounding areas where their papers say they are 10-11 years old but have beards long enough to qualify them to compete with the folk from Duck Dynasty?

    Or are you referring to those sweet kids from Central America that were allowed to walk across the border with mumps, measles, TB and other infectious diseases that are getting US citizens (children) infected in our schools. Oh that’s right, to give them cover we blamed that on the few people who refuse to give their kids mass vaccinations. But the kicker there is how did those kids get sick if everybody else was immunized? But I digress.

    Lindsay, how about just come out of the closet and finally admit you are a Democrat and switch parties. Much simpler solution. Then you’ll get voted out for sure.

  2. Of course Pansy Graham can take this stand, he isn’t up for re-election until 2020. I guarantee you that more than 30% of the people of South Carolina are against illegal immigration. Pansy must have taken his poll around DC.

  3. Way ahead of you. Miss Lindsay garnered fewer votes than Tim Scott, when they both were on the same ballot. They should have been statistically even, yet they were not. Next time, should he survive a primary, I’m voting for the democrat. Like quick pulling a band aid. Painful, but necessary.

  4. I suspect he could be bounced in a heartbeat if the GOP were to work with the Tea Party and take no prisoners in the nomination fight or if they felt that Lindsay had to go they could run a second, actual conservative candidate in the next federal election, split the vote and allow a Democrat the seat for six years but that’s a dangerous stratagy. He’s vulnerable in a nomination battle though if the GOP would just realize how much damage this person is doing to the conservative movement in general and judging by his comments the fight against illegals in your country specifically.

  5. 💥 “If you don’t like me siding with immigrants over Americans, well then you can just vote me out of office!” 💥

    Come on S. Carolina! You can’t be as stupid as Arizona!

  6. In a primary, he’ll do what Lamar Alexander did in TN and get a buddy to split the vote against him. They are all duplicitous snakes. Like snakes it’ll take a shovel to the head to be rid of them.

  7. Dear Soon-To-Be-BFFless Chickenhawk Fruitcake:

    That Congressional Approval rating jump from 9% to 16%, yeah that signals support for your TREASONOUS LYING AMNESTY PLAN you keep pushing like your boyfriend’s dick does your stool.

    NOBODY trusts you faggot. NOBODY! YOU are the swamp. YOU!

  8. “if the GOP would just realize how much damage this person is doing to the conservative movement in general” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. How cute. You think the gop gives a fuck about conservatives or Americans.

  9. @RottyLover; I’m sure there are a helluva lot of card carrying members of the GOP that do care about what Republicans politicians like him do to the country but they have to be convinced that the damage being done is worth joining up with Tea Partiers (many of which are ex-gop members) to take this guy (and others) out of the picture.

  10. Unfortunately he is my Senator and I emailed him and told him he wasn’t representing me and that I had been trying to vote him out for years and would continue to do so. I got a reply email I wish I could post here. It reads as if a Democrat wrote it.

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