CA: Muslim Refugees Overwhelm Fresno: No Vaccinations, No Jobs, Backyard Goat Slaughters – IOTW Report

CA: Muslim Refugees Overwhelm Fresno: No Vaccinations, No Jobs, Backyard Goat Slaughters

Creeping Sharia:

Fresno already has a growing Muslim problem. Now the Muslim refugees are invading.

via When Syria Came to Fresno: Refugees Test Limits of Outstretched Hand – The New York Times

FRESNO, Calif. — The police responded to a call about a loud party on East San Ramon Avenue, but it wasn’t just any party: A sheep was reportedly being slaughtered in a backyard.

“Muslim refugees were unaware that slaughtering sheep is not allowed in the city,” the police wrote afterward in their report, which also stated that those involved “were advised to clean up the blood and mess” and warned that in the future “they could be cited.”

The animal, actually a goat, was killed by a Syrian refugee who later skinned, roasted and shared it with his Syrian neighbors in the apartment complex where they all live.

Refugees are typically placed in towns and cities such as Buffalo, N.Y.; Boise, Idaho; and Fayetteville, Ark., where resettlement agencies ease their transition to life in a new country. But they are free to move about the country like anybody else, and they sometimes land in places like Fresno that are not exactly prepared for their arrival.

Since late 2016, more than 200 Syrian refugees originally settled elsewhere in the United States have made a fresh start in Fresno, the largest city in California’s agricultural belt. They have been drawn there mainly by cheap housing.

But behind the low rent is a city struggling with high poverty and unemployment, making it more difficult for the refugees to secure jobs. And Fresno has no federally funded agency to help them find work, learn basics like bus routes and understand United States culture and rules, like with the practice of animal slaughter.

Syrian children turned up unexpectedly at Ahwahnee Middle School, needing vaccinations, trauma counseling, English-language instruction and academic support as a result of interrupted schooling. “It was a shock at first,” said Jose Guzman, the principal. “We never had to teach students who speak Arabic.”


24 Comments on CA: Muslim Refugees Overwhelm Fresno: No Vaccinations, No Jobs, Backyard Goat Slaughters

  1. Fresno has been a dying city for the last 30 years. The Obama administration cutting off water to the mental Valley only made it worse. To make it even better, Fresno already had a high enough muslim population. I know I lot of people who have moved out of Fresno; I know no one who has voluntarily moved there.

  2. The thing about Fresno, and everything around it for miles and miles, especially north and south, is its a sandy desert with a small river or two going through it. Otherwise, if there isn’t asphalt, brick, concrete, wood or something else which covers sand, its sand. Maybe that explains the influx.

  3. Did they slaughter the goat after violating it?

    “It was a shock at first,” said Jose Guzman, the principal. “We never had to teach students who speak Arabic.” The honest statement should be “We NEVER have to teach students that do not speak English here in the USA.”

  4. “I had no idea Fresno was that big of a shit hole.”

    It’s not. Fresno and Madera have some really nice areas. Both communities are definitely suffering from the water thing but their economies have become more deverse in the last couple years. Muzzies probably shouldn’t stray to far from town. They could become fertilizer.

  5. Syrian children turned up unexpectedly at Ahwahnee Middle School, needing vaccinations, trauma counseling, English-language instruction and academic support


    Salem/Lynn MA (Essex county) got slammed with 600 “students” back in 2011. At once. No one knew they were coming. Effing EU in Belgium posted on one of their websites that Essex County was the happening place to go for top-notch benefits. I wound up doing machine translations in six or more languages and dialects for the most simple of instructions.

    And understanding United States culture and rules? What’s the point? As long as there are progs pushing the exotica glamour, you’re a hater for pointing out things like a lack of immunizations, hygiene or manners; it’s their culture, you know. Look at that photo of the idiot Minneapolis mayor slumming in a hijab for her photo opportunity and voter base.

  6. We used to Call it Fresneck, and I’m Hoping the Muslims Visit Neck Country…it’s just out of Town, and They’ll Probrably do a Sacrifice or two Just For You !!!

  7. @Anon, you’re close on that one. According to moronic koranic teaching if a man has sex with the livestock he has to slaughter it. The meat can then be sold in a neighboring shithole.

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