Dirty Dem says: “But you know what I want don’t you? I want to be relieved.” – IOTW Report

Dirty Dem says: “But you know what I want don’t you? I want to be relieved.”

He got relieved, alright

Democratic Kentucky state Sen. Julian Carroll was officially removed from his position as minority whip Sunday following a local news report that alleged the lawmaker groped a male staffer in 2005.

 Story here

13 Comments on Dirty Dem says: “But you know what I want don’t you? I want to be relieved.”

  1. “Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politicians.” George S. Patton

    Wisdom of the ages, totally lost on Progdom.

    Why did it take 12 years? See above.

  2. So we’re seeing that the Entrenched Dem Elites are so enthusiastic about “LBGTQ Normalization” because it allows so many old, white, fat elected Homosexuals to come out of the closet without any consequences or downside.

    They hope.

  3. “Why did it take 12 years?” Obviously the old perv outlived his usefulness. As long as he was effective in supporting the party agenda, the party was OK with hiding this story.

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