Disney Severs Ties With The Most Annoying Man Alive – IOTW Report

Disney Severs Ties With The Most Annoying Man Alive

[…] He terrorizes his neighbors, and a recent news video is all the proof anybody would ever need to draw an opinion of this young man.


SNIP: Watch the video, read the article. I’m thinking Jake Paul, even though he’s 20 years old, still has the emotional and mental capacity of a 5 year old.  And  Disney just cut ties with something they helped create.

19 Comments on Disney Severs Ties With The Most Annoying Man Alive

  1. I understand the neighbors’ disgust.
    I one time had new teenagers move in next door to my old house. They asked if I minded if they played basketball in the driveway once in a while. Not thinking quickly, and not wanting to be the cranky neighbor, I said no problem.
    I wish I had thought to say please keep it to early evening.
    These guys played basketball tournaments, with several teams, every night, all summer, until like 2 in the morning and later.
    Yeah, I hated them pretty quickly.
    But they did ask.

  2. Today’s Disney has NOTHING to do with the Disney we knew growing up…or even of 20+ years ago.

    I think of it as the visual media arm of Antifa…with a smile.

  3. “I guess nobody there’s punched the shit outta him yet.”

    He’d sue you just as hard as he could. To get even with ego centric little ass holes like this you need to get creative. At a minimum a blanket party.

  4. He’s 20 years old, has a bunch of money and a bunch of fame, and is saavy enough to know what fills his rice bowl. Of course he’s obnoxious, and at that age and under the same circumstances I would be too.

    His mistake is choosing to live in an upscale LA neighborhood. Normally, the folks that live in these neighborhoods live there because they also have money and want to be left alone; it’s not unusual in such neighborhoods for the residents to not know virtually anyone else who lives around them. Having a bunch of Jake Paulers hanging around with Jake Paul in the street is not what they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for – and they have the money and the clout to do something about it.

  5. The black neighborhood doesn’t sue. They’d go out and beat his ass with 20 other masked people then scatter.

    They aren’t as dumb as you think they are.

  6. Better than a beating, he needs to be humiliated in front of that gaggle of teenage girls. That would shrivel his ego back down to a manageable level. Get him to take something that would make him lose control of his bowels for example, that would do it, and provide some laughter.

  7. “Everybody likes the circus.”

    Sure, genius. Everybody likes when they can choose to go to the circus. Not have it front and center every day, no matter what.

  8. This Idiot Needs to Buy 20 Acres of Land in Riverside California, I’m Sure the Locals Will Take him to Some Really Goofy Fun Jumps on his Clean Bike !
    But not Until they Finish His Keg of Beer !!!

  9. Buy a pneumatic T-shirt gun and pelt him with “I’m a dickweed” T-shirts from close range every time he shows his face outside.
    Then when he’s on the ground spray him with Pet Oder Neutralizer

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