California Imam Prays for Allah to ‘Annihilate’ Jews in Public Sermon – IOTW Report

California Imam Prays for Allah to ‘Annihilate’ Jews in Public Sermon


Breitbart CA: Imam Ammar Shahin of the Islamic Center of Davis in California delivered a sermon on Friday in which he quoted an antisemitic hadith and prayed for Allah to “annihilate” Jews “down to the very last one.”

The video of Shahin’s sermon was posted to the Islamic Center of Davis’s YouTube channel on Friday (Update: the video has since been removed), and translated and excerpted by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), though portions of the sermon were delivered in English.

The topic of the sermon was the ongoing controversy at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where the Israeli government installed metal detectors at access points to the Al-Aqsa Mosque after a terrorist shot and killed two Druze Israeli soldiers earlier this month.

Jewish visitors to the nearby Western Wall have had to pass through metal detectors for decades, due to the security threat of terrorism. Nevertheless, the new metal detectors for Muslim worshippers have been whipped into a source of outrage among Palestinians and throughout the Muslim world.  MORE

10 Comments on California Imam Prays for Allah to ‘Annihilate’ Jews in Public Sermon

  1. There will be no peace in Jerusalem until Christ returns – even when reasonable measures are used to guarantee safety (the metal detectors have been used for Israeli security in this area for years) – the Muslims can’t be bothered.

    No reasoning with these “people.”

    Pray for peace but expect the worst.

  2. ”Mohammed was a charlatan, a villain, an ignoramus, an imposter, who couldn’t even write. He propagated his religion not through persuasive words, or miracles but by military force. Islam is the most brutal oppressive ideology on the face of the earth. There is no stronger retrograde force in existence. Far from being moribund Mohammedism is a militant and proselytizing cult of evil. It is profane and works against freedoms. The Koran written by an illiterate who authorized fables to lie and worship,, a delusional desert bandit and left a legacy of rape and pillage, looting, and mass murder.”

  3. Is he. A US citizen? If not he should be deported. If naturalized citizen, strip him of it, and deport him. It may take years in court but well worth the effort. If nothing else the attorney fees will teach him a lesson.

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