Trudeau government to revise Canada’s citizenship test, no longer ban ‘barbaric cultural practices’ or require a job – IOTW Report

Trudeau government to revise Canada’s citizenship test, no longer ban ‘barbaric cultural practices’ or require a job

AT: Justin Trudeau’s government is redefining what it means to be a Canadian, and in the process, he appears to be opening the door for the Islamization of our northern neighbor.  The Canadian press has obtained a copy of a draft of a new study guide for Canada’s citizenship test, which defines what it means to be  Canadian.

Unsurprisingly, given his progressive inclinations, Justin Trudeau’s government apparently does not want to be judgmental about things like female genital mutilation, honor killings, and the need to get a job if you want to come in and be a Canadian.  Judgmentalism is reserved for the Yankees to the south, apparently.



25 Comments on Trudeau government to revise Canada’s citizenship test, no longer ban ‘barbaric cultural practices’ or require a job

  1. So “barbaric cultural practices” are OK, and you’ll pay me to be there? And Canada’s got nukes? What’s the population of general suffrage Canada, now? About 35 million? Sorry Bad Brad, but screw Jefferson under Columbia. And sorry Qubecoisers, you’ll have to learn Mexican if you want to keep no speeka ze Inglessing. I think a few million deplorables just found their “Get Out of The ‘Work Will Make You free’ Camp” card.

  2. The new Drooling Stoned magazine has pretty boy Trudy on the cover with the statement “Why can’t he be our president?”

    I have a list of reasons why, RS, but if you have to ask why, you’re too fucking stupid to understand the answer.

  3. We have to be understanding to the mooselems, a woman not wearing a bedsheet with eye slits is a barbaric western practice. Punishable by death especially if you are wearing PJ’s in the middle of the night to report a crime to a mooselem cop and happen to startle him you can expect a couple shots from Mr. Saturday night special.

  4. He’s doing what his father did decades ago which was to open up immigration to those that would percieve the Liberal Party as their saviour and vote in a bloc for them. It worked. This jackass has made enough mistakes that the new leader of the Conservative Party should be able to chop him up in the next election unless he turns out to be another Joe Clark (you have to be a Canadadian to get that one). Just because this is a paper it doesn’t mean it will pass. The closer the country gets to an election the more skitish the MP’s become about anything that’s likely to explode in their face.

  5. When you watch Truedope do the things he does, remember: If Hillary had won, this is the path we would be traveling too. And, with full rah rah sis boom bah MSM coverage.

  6. Of course they are only concerned with Muslims. The illegal aliens which are flocking to the northern U.S. border to cross into this country will soon be another problem they may have to deal with.

    It will be interesting to see how all the listings of ingredients on every soup can, packaged meat et al. will be required to be in English and French, then add Arabic and Spanish etc… The printing is already so small the information is virtually useless. Oh well, other peoples’ money will pay the progs doing that work.

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