Violent rhetoric, deeds from the Left – IOTW Report

Violent rhetoric, deeds from the Left

CFP: Some rare good news came out of Washington this week when House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) was released from MedStar Washington Hospital after multiple surgeries from a gunshot wound, and was in “good spirits” and “looking forward to his return to work,” according to a statement by the hospital.

But the political violence that sent him to the hospital shouldn’t be forgotten.

Obviously, most Democrats don’t become physically violent over politics. But when political differences prompt violence, it historically comes from one side, and Bernie Sanders-loving would-be assassin James Hodgkinson is just the latest example.


“Hatemongering” by Democrats

We learned soon after the shooting that Rep. Scalise wasn’t Hodgkinson’s lone target at the baseball practice in Alexandria, Va. Investigators found Hodgkinson had a list of Republicans, specifically, members of the House Freedom Caucus, he wanted to target. These were Reps. Scot DesJarlais of Tennessee, Trent Franks of Arizona , Jeff Duncan of South Carolina, Jim Jordan of Ohio, Mo Brooks of Alabama, and Morgan Griffith of Virginia.

In an interview with Fox News, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) said campus riots across the country—notably at UC Berkeley, “comedian” Kathy Griffin’s symbolic beheading of President Donald Trump, a New York City play depicting the murder of a Shakespearean Julius Caesar who looked a lot like Trump, are part of “hatemongering” by Democrats. He also questioned whether Hodgkinson was crazy or just a Republican hater.

We don’t know if DeLay’s suggestion about Hodgkinson’s mental state is correct. Irrational and crazy aren’t always synonymous. Like Timothy McVeigh and Lee Harvey Oswald, Hodgkinson seemed to have the presence of mind to plot a terrible act. He had a hit list and targeted Republicans in a low-security setting.

What DeLay certainly was correct about is “hatemongering” by Democrats and this isn’t something new. It goes back at least to the Ku Klux Klan, which University of North Carolina historian Allen Trelease called the “terrorist arm of the Democratic Party,” and Columbia University historian Eric Foner called, “a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party” during the 1800s.   more here


8 Comments on Violent rhetoric, deeds from the Left

  1. They are still trying to reverse our last election. The least qualified was handily beaten by a candidate who loved America and knows how to Make America Great Again.

  2. What gets lost by talking about “Democrats” is that Democrats are the party of the extreme Left. I think this will be the next development of the body of common knowledge and will get a lot of discussion in the coming months. The far Left’s history is from the philosophers who informed Mao, Stalin, et al. Two people who are actively educating students today, D’Souza and Horowitz, talk very candidly about these things. It is getting to a point where there can be no accommodation for free speech that declares war against free people.

  3. The shooting war with the domestic, communist-islamist front (Red/Green Alliance) started July 7, 2016 in downtown Dallas.

    Five KIA white police officers, nine WIA white police officers resulted. One Alliance soldier was blown up. Cucks sucked each other and circle jerked at memorials while Red Leader blamed whitey and cops in their face.

    Niggers hate you. Islamists hate you. Commies hate you. Cuckservatives hate you.

    You are Americans.

  4. Anytime I read an article that contains the phrase, “most Democrats don’t…” I disregard the article in its entirety.

    Most muslims don’t kill.


    Just exactly how, when and where did the Civil War start, again?
    did “most” Southerners rebel? NO. Nor do “most” Democrats have to show the signs that A SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF FERAL DEMOCRATS *DO* show.

  5. Liberals Don’t Have the Facts, and they’re Protesting what the Media has told them is Happening… Not Learning for themselves or from True Sources of Knowledge. They Eventually Bust a Vein and Go Nuts !!!

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