Since serving in the military is now a human right, let’s restore the draft – IOTW Report

Since serving in the military is now a human right, let’s restore the draft

Patriot Retort:

Let’s see if I have this straight.

President Trump announces that transsexuals will not be allowed to serve in the military.

And the Left declares that “#TransRightsAreHumanRights.”

Now, granted, Leftists think everything is a human right.

Health insurance is a human right to these people.

Which, I guess means doctors must bow down and become our indentured servants.

But inherent in this silly #TransRightsAreHumanRights kerfuffle is the notion that serving in the military is now a human right.

You get that?

So, if you are blind, you shouldn’t be prevented from joining the Marines because serving in the military is a human right. more here

15 Comments on Since serving in the military is now a human right, let’s restore the draft

  1. Anybody who can pass the physical demands and learn mental discipline should be allowed to serve. Transsexuals should not serve, they are an accident waiting to happen. They don’t who or what they are. No exceptions. Homosexuals should not be allowed either.

  2. And to think that the democraps (and the antiwar New left) hated the draft during the Vietnam War and now they want to bring it back. Are you friggin kidding me? We’re still better off with an all volunteer military unless we have to fight another war on the scale of World War 2 where a draft becomes a necessity by default. Until then, don’t even think about it.

  3. Dianny, since we’re talking about WISHFUL absurdity, let’s not only reinstate the draft, but make the draft age 21, so we can FINALLY place the VOTING AGE back to a (slightly more) sane 21.

    That, or force the Dems to justify voting rights for the dead. 😉

  4. If it’s born with a dick, the science is settled.

    I’m torn though. If you can pass all of the tests and you want to serve then I can think of nothing more terrifying than the cast of RuPaul’s Drag Race roaring over a hill with M4s and grenade launchers. #PansyDivision

  5. They should have Voting rights when they leave their PARENTS Insurance excluding Military. Remember their children.On the upside
    Counting the votes would go faster.

  6. I just heard that Jeff Bezos net worth surpassed $90 billion. At that rate he can afford to pay for all sex re-assignment surgeries (they’re not transgender because no such human exists) for more than 100 years.

    Wonder if he, Gates, Buffet, Zuckerberg and Hollywood will throw their money in for something they find so worthwhile.

  7. Accd to transophiles, these pitiable people have a 45% chance of committing suicide between the ages of 18 and 26

    So how does sending them into combat help that? Wouldn’t that increase the suicide rate to about 120%

  8. “Tech executives across Silicon Valley have voiced their opposition to President Trump’s decision to not allow transgender people to enter the military. Amongst those voicing their opposition are Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Google CEO Sundar Pichai, and Apple CEO Tim Cook”. O.k. reinstate the draft and make these three supreme Patriots the first to be drafted. Give them a rifle and put them together in a foxhole in Afganistan! The billion dollar warriors!

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