Report: Top FBI Lawyer, Comey Adviser, Under Criminal Investigation for Leaking – IOTW Report

Report: Top FBI Lawyer, Comey Adviser, Under Criminal Investigation for Leaking

The Stream- President Trump has been calling for “our beleaguered” Attorney General Jeff Sessions to go hard after leakers. Seems he already is.

FBI General Counsel James A. Baker is under criminal investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for allegedly leaking classified national security information to the media, Circa reports. They cite multiple anonymous sources close to the probe.

Circa has not been able to confirm the details of what material was leaked.

Who is James A. Baker?

Baker is described as a “close confidant” of former director James Comey.  MORE

8 Comments on Report: Top FBI Lawyer, Comey Adviser, Under Criminal Investigation for Leaking

  1. ” President Trump has been calling for “our beleaguered” Attorney General Jeff Sessions to go hard after leakers. Seems he already is.”

    He seems a little slow out of the chute. Just sayen.

  2. As critical as I have been of Sessions, he seems to be weathering the storm. Makes me think that some of the noise may be diversionary tactics. I sure hope so anyway, we need a frickin pit bull as AG right now, and it’s time for Sessions to show some teeth!

  3. 10:45 Cali Time. Past my bed time. Mitch Mcconnell is live on FOX committing Harry Carry on live TV. Calling on Democrats to help pass legislation. Freaken unbelievable.

  4. @reboot July 28, 2017 at 1:32 am

    > Put all their asses in prison for a few years, see how they like it.

    That’s SOOO expensive. Couldn’t the FBI just TRY to take them into custody?

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