DWS’ Brother Works In U.S. Attorney’s D.C. Office – IOTW Report

DWS’ Brother Works In U.S. Attorney’s D.C. Office


[..] Steven Wasserman is an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, who, based on his LinkedIn profile, works with the violent crime and narcotics trafficking section of the office’s criminal division. Awan’s case could fall to Wasserman and his colleagues as, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office’s website, the section in which he works handles “short-term bank and credit card fraud.”

The rest at Hannity

10 Comments on DWS’ Brother Works In U.S. Attorney’s D.C. Office

  1. Conflicts of interest. Jeff Sessions needs to man up and act like he’s in charge of the DOJ. Just because he recused himself from the supposed “Russia investigation” shouldn’t mean that all the swamp creatures get to violate the ethics rules of the DOJ on anything including the Russia BS.

    He has the authority to stop all of this garbage if he has the moral and patriotic love of America to do it. No more excuses – do your job as the chief law enforcement officer of the USA or get out!

    Fire Rosenstein for exceedingly poor judgment in appointing someone with such blatant conflicts of interest as Mueller to be appointed a “special counsel” and fire Mueller and his “staff” for not recusing themselves when they have actual, valid, glaring conflicts of interest in this entire farce.

  2. Patronage, nepotism and political favoritism in the Federal hiring process is alive and well. It pays to have your sister in a powerful position calling in favors.
    It is who you know, not what you know.

  3. Why a special prosecutor? Sessions and Rosenstein were put in their position to do a job. Just because an investigation involves crimes against the U S by Dems shouldn’t require an out side team. Look at Mueller. Bunch of malarky and waste of taxpayer money. Rhinos and Dems will do anything they can to keep our Pres. from draining the swamp. All career politicians are corrupt as they get illegal monies thru various under the table donations. The health bill is an example of why no one can get together as they each have their own political contributors they have to please. Swamp flows in both directions and is not only deep but is also very wide. No way our Pres. is going to drain the entire swamp until we vote for term limits and transparency of all political income.

  4. AG Sessions may be an decent and honest man, however he sorely lacks street smarts and is clearly not up to the challenge of outmaneuvering the left. This should have been addressed months ago. You know for a fact Obama and his minions went through every personnel file of every relevant agency and purged anyone who would pose a threat to their agenda. Meanwhile our side is busy being nice.The American left to the rest of us are Arabs to the Israelis.There while never be a parlay.

  5. Let’s not be too hasty blaming this guy. Being a relative doesn’t mean being complicit. My brother and I couldn’t be farther apart in political beliefs. It may be unlikely but this guy could be a patriot, unlike his sister the scumbag. Any evidence one way or the other? In any case, since there’s even a possibility of conflict of interest, this guy MUST have no part in the investigation or prosecution.

  6. @Mr. Anth Ropy July 28, 2017 at 4:46 am

    But it’s not very deep. Not deep, at all. A large amount of controlled fire would dry it right up. (Heck, peasants with torches could probably do the job.)

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