CFP: Yesterday morning, the rationale for why conservatives across the country should support Republican Party candidates and enable the GOP to control Congress was completely shattered. By losing a 49-51 vote, the Republican led U.S. Senate failed a pass a “skinny” repeal of Obamacare, condemning the nation to more suffering from the horrors of socialized medicine.

It was a stunning failure for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who was tasked with crafting legislation that would attract at least 50 Republican votes. In the end, McConnell was only able to muster 49 Republican votes, so the reform measure failed. Three turncoat Republicans joined all 48 Democrats to defeat the best chance to repeal at least some of the most offensive aspects of Obamacare.

It was a bitter defeat for the GOP, the President and all healthcare reform supporters. Now, health insurance premiums and deductibles will continue to increase. Insurance companies will continue to withdraw from certain states and choices for struggling Americans will become more limited.

For Americans who do not want health insurance, they will continue to be mandated to buy the product. Others who cannot afford the skyrocketing premiums will have to pay an outrageous fine to the IRS. In addition, many employers will be forced to trim the number of full time workers to escape their expensive Obamacare coverage mandate. Thus, the lack of GOP leadership in the Senate will result in real pain for the American people.  more here

16 Comments on DITCH MITCH

  1. Ditch the incumbent republicans. Vote the lying sacks of 💩 out.

    They whined and cried that if only they had a majority in the congress and the presidency, and their true BLUE colors are showing through. McCain key the cat out of the bag by telling senators not to listen to their constituents, but do what THEY knew was best for the deplorables. So sick of these robber barons.

  2. Mitch always looked like Richard Simmon’s brother. Time for him to go. See ya Mitch the Bitch. Time for new blood. Someone with vision, vigor, energy, principles, and ambition. We’ve had it with political correctness. No more one step forward and three steps backwards.

  3. First I’d like to thank that POS Justice Roberts. Hey judge, how’s YOUR fucking healthcare insurance????

    Next, special shout-out to the buffoon McConnell and the rest of the lying weasels that never intended to repeal this horrid burden placed on us by the democrat socialists.

  4. Remember Thad Cochran.
    In 2014, Mississippi Senator Thad Cochran faced a primary challenge from Tea Party-supported candidate Chris McDaniel.
    Since neither candidate won 50% in the Republican primary, a run-off election was held.
    McConnell did not want another Tea Party Senator. McConnell gave lots of Republican money to Cochran. The Republicans recruited Democrats to vote for Cochran in the runoff election.
    Cochran narrowly defeated McDaniel in the run-off to win the Republican nomination for a seventh term in the Senate.
    McConnell is a dirtbag.

  5. McConnell is doing the same thing in Alabama as he did in Mississippi. We need to have Mo Brooks (he was on that baseball field BTW) but McConnell is pumping money into Luther Strange who was appointed by our disgraced and now former governor. Our new governor (who is pretty cool and you will love the way she talks!) called for a special election. It is a mess here and Mitch’s money is making sure we don’t get a true conservative.

  6. There will come a Day when ALL things will be revealed, when nothing now secret is not known. And awesome and terrible Day that is sure to be, and you can bet on it. Look to yourself and your own house; make sure YOUR secret load of debt – sin – has been forgiven and wiped forever, or you’ll find yourself standing on the same side of the bar as the hypocrites we all loathe.

    Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again for our justification. That covers everything. Believe that and be saved!

  7. Leadership positions in the GOP require vast sums of money raised for the party. This assures that wealthy donors will support weasels they want in those positions, and conservatives would need to find very deep pockets to make a run at leadership. I think it was Cruz who outed the turtle for asking GOP members who was going to take the fall for a bill they wanted to pretend to fail to pass. The number of Progressives (or blackmailed slightly right of center) in the GOP may be HALF of all seats they hold. McConnell didn’t FAIL to pass Repeal. He never intended to pass repeal.

  8. The ONE thing he did right was not allowing 0bama’s gun grabbing nominee to get chance to be put on the Supreme Court.
    With the traitors like Murkowski, Collins, McCain, and Graham, Garland would most likely have gotten approved.

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