“Watch The Show” – IOTW Report

“Watch The Show”

Below are a handful of articles I found that pretty much nail McCain for being the lying, backstabbing, weaselly, snobbish, traitorous, turncoat, smug, drama queen, hateful, elitist, jerk that he is.  As a Nevadan, I think John McCain makes thug-Senator Harry Reid look classy.  Also,  I’m pretty sure Reid’s family tree only has one branch. [Have you seen his kid, Rory? Have murceh!]

On to the articles.
Tina Trent from Bombthrowers:

[…] And every year since Obamacare went into effect, the plan we chose was canceled, and we had to switch to another company with different doctors and hospitals, and fewer of them. It almost goes without saying that I now have to pay out of pocket for the doctor I’ve had for 20+ years, and if I become ill, or even just see him for an annual physical and other needs, anything I do spend seeing him doesn’t apply to my deductible.  – article here
From Chip McLean  at CFP:

Once a RINO, Always a RINO.  McCain Sinks Obamacare Repeal

They say a leopard never changes his spots, and with that being a given, you could also say that a RINO never loses his horn…

John McCain has made a career out of cultivating an image of being a “maverick”, or at least that’s what the mainstream media likes to call him. To anyone on the right, he’s nothing more than an egotistical blowhard who loves being a thorn in the side of his own party.

Like his toady Lindsey Graham, McCain isn’t a conservative, a nationalist, a constitutionalist, an America Firster or any other related ideology. The fact is that John McCain is nothing more than a big spending, open borders liberal who has far more in common with the Democrats than he does the Republicans.

Like Lindsey Graham (or Grahamnesty, as I like to call him), McCain has never met an illegal alien he didn’t like, nor a trade agreement that would put American workers out of work that he wouldn’t support. He’s also never seen a war that he didn’t want to start with nations that pose no threat to our national security and whose internal politics were not germane to our vital interests.  Continued

 From Dan Calabrese at HermanCain.com:

It’s John McCain’s America, so Washington is thrilled and you’re screwed.

Maverick first.

I meant what I said last week about praying for John McCain to beat his cancer. I still do.

I also mean this: John McCain is a traitor to everything he has fooled people for years into thinking he stands for. John McCain is not for free markets. John McCain is not for individual freedom. John McCain is not for solving problems.

John McCain is for one thing and one thing only, and that’s pleasing the Beltway establishment and the D.C. press corps so it will shower praise on him in return.

Reportedly before McCain took to the Senate floor last night to cast his vote killing even the most limited repeal of ObamaCare, he told reports from Politico, “Watch the show.” He knew exactly what he was doing.

With a great sense of drama, McCain intended to take to the floor and make people gasp as their jaws dropped. He knew the Democrats would be jubilant while Republicans would be crestfallen. And he intended to make all of it happen with tremendous fanfare that would make him the man of the hour.

It is what John McCain does. It is what he has done for a very long time. Back in the 1980s when McCain was first a relative newbie in the House, less than a decade after the end of his captivity in Vietnam, he seemed to be a rising conservative star. He was strong on national defense and drew enthusiasm from conservatives for his seemingly earnest expression of conservative principles.

I don’t know if it was a con then… MORE


From Robert Laurie at HermanCain.com:

John McCain, venomous hypocrite and liar, dooms ObamaCare repeal – here’s what he said about it for the last 8 years-

Damned by his own words…

“John McCain is leading the fight against ObamaCare.”  That was the message when Senator McCain – a now-proven liar and a hypocrite – was running for re-election. When he was scrounging for votes, he was more than happy to tell you what a disaster the ACA was, that it was doomed to fail, and that Democrats needed to “wake up” and admit that simple fact.

Yeah.  He’s a real fighter.

In fact, he’s such a fighter that he voted for a much broader, all-encompasing, repeal back in 2015 – when it didn’t matter.

Last night we saw, for the umpteenth time, exactly who and what John McCain really is. He’s a turncoat, an opportunist, and a promise-peddling glory hound. He’s a man who’s never met a camera he didn’t like, and who will trash his alleged principles at the drop of a hat – if it furthers his own greater glories and protects his seemingly endless career.

Statist Democrats, who once upon a time wanted McCain’s scalp because he was the worst of the Keating Five, are praising him as a hero.

I’m also seeing a lot of “you can’t be too hard on the guy, he has cancer” comments. Sorry, but no.  I’ve known lots of people with cancer.  My grandmother, my mother, my boss; the list goes on and on. I’m sorry that Senator McCain has health issues. I genuinely am. However, that’s a separate matter. Poor health doesn’t grant you a free pass when you urinate on the Constitution, your constituents, and 8 years of political promises.  MORE

SNIP: At the link, you can see all of the McCain sound bites and his  bullsh!t ads full of bullsh!t promises. As McCain says, “Watch the show.”


18 Comments on “Watch The Show”

  1. To blame Arizona Republicans for sending McCain back to Washington, to be a destructive force against Conservatism, over and over, isn’t entirely fair.

    Arizona is an open primary state. An open primary is a primary election that does not require voters to be affiliated with a political party in order to vote for partisan candidates. So in the primaries, Arizona Democrats can determine their Democrat candidate won’t win the election, so they might as well take the Republican ballot and vote for McCain’s nomination – probably better than having a real Democrat elected anyway, because McCain is destructive to the Republican party.*

    To a very large degree, the Arizona Republicans are helpless against McCain.

    Gotta get rid of the open primaries.

    * Everything above also holds true for South Carolina and Miss Lindsey.

  2. @anthropy;Thank you for reminding us on one of the many reasons why this traitorous charlatan gets elected as I get tired of having AZ Republican voters slammed for sending this vile snake to represent us. I can fully understand the sentiment and it is mind-boggling how this snake keeps winning elections and it will take a while before we can erase the detrimental effects this corrupt weasel has had on our state and nation.

  3. “* Everything above also holds true for South Carolina and Miss Lindsey.”
    There is a little more to it than just open primaries. Last time Ms Lindsay ran in a primary, she had five opponents. Not a one of those candidates ran much of a campaign. Most were virtually unknown to the voters outside their home areas. The bitch had name recognition, the backing of the party, and a ton of cash. Until a strong, well known, well financed candidate emerges, we’re stuck with her.

  4. BFH was kind enough (thank you) to mention that today is the 50th anniversary of John McCain’s USS Forrestal fire.

    Here is the USS Forrestal’s VIRTUAL WALL, listing the names of our service men who died that day and those who died afterwards of their injuries. Scroll down. Pray for their families and the survivors.


    Here is the cause of the USS Forrestal fire in a nutshell. Here is how John McCain is responsible for the deaths of these people and how he got away with it.


    (You might have to cut and paste that URL.)

    Thanks, MJA, for the show.

  5. Cheated on his wife with rich princess, married her and still elected- shame on AZ and SC for the fag senator, and AK f0r the ugly princess and TN for the idiot Alexander- the list goes on for these and other Rinos and 48 commie Deamoncrats that America would have better off if they were never born.

  6. I hope we are rid of McLame soon. I held my nose to vote for him in the Presidential Race because I would never vote Democrat but I would not do it again.

  7. I recently read an interesting article about McCain’s alleged role in the fire that almost sunk an American aircraft carrier, the <U.S.S. Forrestal. However, because I was in the Army, I am not familiar with things like a “wet start” and the details of the carrier aircraft rocket arming policy. Can any of you Navy carrier guys shed some light on whether or not this story could be true?



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