“The only thing that hasn’t leaked in this White House so far is [@Reince’s] resignation for 24 hours.”  – IOTW Report

“The only thing that hasn’t leaked in this White House so far is [@Reince’s] resignation for 24 hours.” 

Patriot Retort:

Could it be that Priebus was the media’s inside guy?

Why attack someone and tear his life apart when he’s providing juicy little tidbits that keep the anti-Trump media well-fed?  MORE

25 Comments on “The only thing that hasn’t leaked in this White House so far is [@Reince’s] resignation for 24 hours.” 

  1. Priebus has always been a suspicious character to me. I’m always looking at the guy who’s too good to be true (he’s usually not). This clown was always the mainstream GOP guy that stayed with Trump. WHY? We’re finding out now.

  2. There was a great segment on Fox and Friends this morning. One of those staged arguing matches that normally drive me over the edge. Some you cute thing (A GIRL) said something to the effect, “Trump include part of the GOP establishment in his inner circle in hopes they would communicate and reach out to the rest of the GOP. Instead, they stabbed him in the back. He’s done trying to appease the GOP.”

  3. Political parties are similar to paint colors on two identical cars. Some like one,somelike the other, everything else is identical. There is really only one party, politicians just pretwnd there are two.

  4. Trump new Reince was the leaker, that’s why he brought in the pit bull to clean house. Mucci called Reince out and bingo Reince turns in his resignation. Heck Spicer could have been a leaker too.

  5. We’ll know soon enough if Priebus was the leaker. He didn’t seem all that outraged on Hannity Friday. His reasons for leaving were insufficient. I think Trump fired him in large part because of the healthcare vote (even though Priebus insists he and the President were discussing his departure before the vote). These were not just juicy bits of insider gossip that were leaked. I think there is a coordinated effort between several agencies’ obama holdovers who need to be smoked out.

  6. The big question is, will the DOJ go after him and charge him with leaking , if he is the leaker , or are there more in the White House that need to be flushed out.
    We know that there are more in the DOJ,EPA,NSA,IRS.
    All of obama people need to be fired as soon as they can be.

  7. People keep wondering, “Why does Trump hire these guys?” He hires them to test them. To get a bead on their trust. Famous ones, unknown ones. His decisions to hire kind of reflect on the way he speaks. It’s clear cut, yet repetitive when you wouldn’t expect repetition. The way he speaks, he makes some of it sound a tad dumb on purpose. It’s right after those supposed ‘dumb’ statements that he veers off into venues those listening aren’t ready to discern. Very unexpected. This is The Donald. I like his style. And it works on the media. A different tactic for the RINOs. That’s the real test.

  8. Let’s give Reince credit for being very positive help with the Trump campaign.
    A dedicated and skillful spokesman throughout the campaign.
    Was he a leaker? Don’t know. Someone knows.

  9. Reince is a ‘country boy’ compared to all those who surrounded him. A little short on grey cells, too–but he did help PDJT get elected, so he was made Chief of Staff to keep him ‘close’. PDJT is no fool–he reads people very well and gave Reince time to ‘redeem’ himself; Reince had no clue, so he had to go.

    I do admire PDJT’s style of letting a person down ‘easily’–after all, the presidency is NOT a reality TV show!!! (No matter what some goofy people think!)

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