climate alarmists don’t do much to help their cause – IOTW Report

climate alarmists don’t do much to help their cause

WT: Climate change is back in the news now that Al Gore has produced a new book and a new movie on the subject. Furious activists continue to sound the global warming alarm, and remain vexed at President Trump for recently abandoning the Paris Climate Agreement.


But are critics practicing green-minded lifestyles? Maybe not, says a new poll.

“New data suggests that while most Americans are coming to terms with climate change, many aren’t doing much, if anything, about it,” writes Gregory McCarriston, an analyst for the polling firm YouGov, which recently queried a thousand people on their habits.

“We asked respondents about their consumption of fossil fuels and red meat, both of which have been noted for their impact on Earth’s ecosystems. Commercial beef production, for instance, accounts for more greenhouse gas each year than all the cars on the planet. 13 percent of climate change believers said they’ve greatly reduced their consumption of red meat, and 17 percent said they’ve reduced a little. 66 percent haven’t changed their habits at all,” Mr. McCarriston says.  read more

12 Comments on climate alarmists don’t do much to help their cause

  1. One of the greatest pleasures in life is pushing greenie’s buttons. They’re just to easy to upset. We recycle more than all of them combined. None of them even knows where to take excess recyclables, where to take toxic chemicals or hazardous waste, when and where the city is going to set up free days, what is and what is not recyclable. But they sure proclaim their commitment to the environment.

  2. “New data suggests that while most Americans are coming to terms with climate change…” Sure, if “coming to terms” means they realize it’s FAKE.

  3. Amen, Billy. Define “coming to terms.”

    Wishy washy mean-nothing buzz words.

    In spite of my vehicles and electric use, I rest assured that my two acres of plants and huge trees provide me with a negative carbon footprint.

    Up yours, Algore. Can you say the same, or do you have “carbon credits” on hand to explain away your hypocrisy?

  4. ask Al Gore how he made $250,000,000.00 while trying to save the planet? Ask him why he needs 5 homes? Ask him why NONE of them have Solar Panels? THAT is a movie I would watch!

  5. ya really got to hand it gore hole. he manufactured a crisis, utilized skewed data to support it and reaped untold millions hyping it. slimey, yes, but very profitable. The end result is the US gov and others have spent billions of tax dollars chasing a fix to no avail. This means we have all been screwed by gore’s lies.

  6. GW alarmists care less about the actual environment than any of us, from my experience. They care about controlling others. If they cared about the environment they would recognize that all the $ wasted on GW could be much more effectively spent on real environmental problems and cleanup.

    BTW I read yesterday that Gore’s #2 GW movie has earned a little over $100,000 despite having been out for quite a while. Apparently nobody cares, although I’m sure if you ask an advocate they will bluster on about it. His net worth may dip slightly. 🙂

  7. If they want to curb emissions they’ll have to cut back on world population. Easy solution. Do away with doctors and hospitals. Natural selection will eventually seek an equilibrium. It would also solve the Obamacare problem as well as rid us of most of those pesky lawyers most of us hate anyway.

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