Insanity – IOTW Report


AWD- There’s no bigger proof on the planet that liberalism is a mental disorder and a pathway to societal suicide than the progressive concept of transgenderism and transgender identity. To accept this sham is akin to believing that 2+2 now equals 5 or that the sun rises in the west. The belief promotes a mass DELUSION (remember this word) among the gullible, stupid and liberal.

First, lets examine a few definitions and a very basic lesson on human genetics. A transgender has been defined as man or woman who “identifies” as a person of the opposite sex. This is without any established scientific or biologic proof to back up this claim.

Secondly, a karyotype represents the appearance and number of chromosomes in a species. This is an important fact to know and remember.

Thirdly, the human genome consists of 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes and a single pair of sex chromosomes. They are denoted X and Y. A combination of XX produces the normal female gender and an XY pair produces the normal male both in appearance and function. There are NO exceptions. Of course, there are genetic abnormalities and any deletion or addition to the karyotype (genome) has significant consequences to the person unfortunate enough to be born with them. For instance, Down’s syndrome is called Trisomy 21 and represents the presence of all or a part of an additional chromosome 21.

Abnormalities in the sex chromosomes (X and Y) very often alter the appearance of being male or female and can result in sexual ambiguity. The most extreme of these are those who are born with the sexual organs of both male and female or whose sexual organs cannot be fully determined. They were once called hermaphrodites but are now termed intersex. Such individuals are almost all universally sterile. They are also the ones for whom “sex change” surgery was developed. A very minor example of what can happen is Klinefelter’s syndrome (47, XXY) that is the addition of another female X-chromosome. It produces the standard snowflake liberal gamma male. However, they know their gender and “identify” as males, they just understand they aren’t very good physical specimens. These are not the people I’m talking about.

Lastly lets get back to the word delusion.  more

9 Comments on Insanity

  1. It’s another example of the smartphone generation. Get noticed no mater how you degrade yourself, but get noticed. Too bad the consequences aren’t considered until later. The rest of your days are spent with a hangover of embarrassment.

  2. OK, this nonsense is a plan of the Gay Mafia which is a tentacle of the Left-O-Communist Octopus.
    If transgender and ‘gender creative’ ailments are allowed to remain in the halls of Mental Disorders, then sometime, somebody is going to connect the dots and Homosexuality will again be viewed as a mental disorder.
    It is all part of the game.
    They must destroy all standards of the old world
    Right is wrong
    Ugliness is beauty
    Filth is Holy
    Holiness is Filth
    This is a prime example of Satan trying to take as many people down with him as he can.
    I don’t care what people do in their bedrooms.
    Out in public; I do.
    The public spaces in this country belong to me as well.
    They do not have the right to sully the public square with their degeneracy and venality.

  3. From a secular view this is simply another brick in the post-modern (moral) relativistic wall.

    As we all now know, the artful and deceptive changes to the DSM underpin the technical or “legal” definition of mental illness, including gender dysphoria. Change the definition or categorization and poof! change the basis for diagnosis.

    If that should cause suspicion or otherwise fail to convince mentally healthy people they were wrong about judging the mentally ill, the next step is to blame general society for being intolerant, “genderist” bigots who oppress, suppress, and hate.

    If anyone needs proof that so-called gender fluidity is at best of total failure of one’s ability to think logically, consider that the Left damn near uses the terms islamophobia and homophobia interchangeably.

  4. …case in point:

    CNN’s Fareed Zakaria: Trump Won Because His Voters are Stupid, Racist, Misogynist, Gay-Hating Bigots (Video)

    Jim Hoft Aug 1st, 2017 8:41 am 86 Comments
    Democrats continue their campaign to win back the working class – By insulting them constantly

    CNN plagiarizer and host Fareed Zararia previewed his special “Why Trump Won” on Monday with Wolf Blitzer.

    “(Fareed)Zakaria believes Trump supporters are “tribal” and uneducated tools.
    Democrats believe they will insult their way back into office.

    Fareed started out by accusing Trump voters of being old, racist, misogynist, gay hating bigots.”

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