UK: Girls Seeking Help for Forced Marriage at Record High – IOTW Report

UK: Girls Seeking Help for Forced Marriage at Record High

Breitbart London- The number of children subjected to or fearing forced marriage being offered assistance by the UK’s leading children’s charity has hit a record level, new data has revealed.

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) now provides three times more counselling sessions than they did five years ago.

Some of the victims are as young as 13 and they are frequently threatened with violence and emotional blackmail, pressuring them to marry older men they may have never met.

Childline, the 24-hour counselling hotline for children provided by the NSPCC, has experienced more children than ever are calling with fears over forced marriage. The charity said it delivered 12 per cent more counselling sessions in 2016/17 than in 2015/16.

Forced marriage can carry a prison sentence of up to seven years in the UK, but as of December 31, 2016, figures suggest there has been just one conviction in Britain.  more

9 Comments on UK: Girls Seeking Help for Forced Marriage at Record High

  1. What the Hell did they expect by allowing mass influx of 6th century pigs?
    The best term of 2017 is Ethnomasochism and fully it applies to what the they’re doing to themselves.

  2. Expel every damn one of those feral pieces of shit. They make no bones about screwing their way to dominance, have no fear of unarmed citizens, look at authorities and laugh, openly destroying civil society, suck up tax dollars the government doesn’t have, not in any hurry to get a job and pay taxes, brought their 4th century ways with them, and openly suck up to Satan.

  3. We Can not Let Them Have Seperate Laws Here, They Came For Assylum Partially Becuase of Their Ancient Law System. They are Lucky We Haven’t Banned 90 % of the Garbage They Brought With Them , Including the Vile Sound of Their Language !!!

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