New York Deputies Knock on Vietnam Vet’s Door, Confiscate Guns – IOTW Report

New York Deputies Knock on Vietnam Vet’s Door, Confiscate Guns

A 70-year-old Vietnam veteran said he was watching television in his Taberg, New York, home when deputies knocked on his door, then entered and confiscated his firearms.

The veteran, Don Hall, said the deputies told him he had a record of mental issues. They took his handguns, then asked if he had long guns. They took those also.

Hall said he was in disbelief–that he tried to think back to what he could have said or done at some point in his 70 years that would have made someone think he had a mental problem. He said, “I was guilty until I could prove myself innocent. They don’t tell you why or what you supposedly did. It was just a bad screw-up”: More at Bretibart

20 Comments on New York Deputies Knock on Vietnam Vet’s Door, Confiscate Guns

  1. I’m with Dan here, why do government employees get a pass for incompetence?
    Like mosquitoes in the swamp, we need some DDTrump.
    “QUICK HENRY, THE FLIT!” – Theo. Geisel

  2. If King George had classified all veterans of the French and Indian Wars as having some mental issue such as PTSD, and used it as an excuse to confiscate their guns, he could have prevented the Revolutionary War, or at least prevented the only soldiers with combat experience from being officers. With GEN George Washington (ret.) classified as mentally unfit to own a weapon, we would not have won a single battle against the Redcoats.

    By the way, how many veteran suicides really ARE suicides, and how many are like Vince Foster’s “suicide”?

  3. I found nowhere in either story IF his firearms were actually given back …. just that the judge ordered them ‘returned’
    I’ve know several instances where … ooops … we’re sorry … they where ‘destroyed’ … routine procedure, ya know

  4. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ; He got his weapons back but it took several months and a lot of his time. The article I pasted is interesting in that the number of errors made by all different levels of authority is remarkable. Still no apology.

  5. So, am I supposed to have bad feelz for an old Kardashian? Because he’s old? If you want to be famous screaming “Look at me! Look at me! Look what I’ve got!”, am I actually supposed to have a twinge of regret that someone less full of themselves took it from you? (Yeah, I know, “Stealing bad.” But what is “I dare you to try.”?)

  6. Many people may not realize you can be classed as having a mental illness just by the drugs a doctor prescribes. Many drugs for arthritis, for example are also used for treatment of things like depression, and once in your record will always be a “blot” for the gun grabbers to use against you.

    Several times I’ve had to turn down trying those drugs for my arthritis. Luckily my rheumatologist is understanding. Even if the current administration isn’t interested in using those medical records against you, the previous one would have, and the next one might too. I’d rather live with pain than lose my 2A rights.

    Even if this guy WAS the one they were looking for, having “a record of mental issues” might only mean he’d been prescribed medications for one problem that are also used for another. In gun-grabbing Noo Yawk it’s at least a possibility so maybe it would be good not to jump to conclusions.

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