Chick-fil-A patrons trash restaurant over cold nuggets – IOTW Report

Chick-fil-A patrons trash restaurant over cold nuggets

NYP: A pair of Chick-fil-A customers in Florida were unsatisfied with their local restaurant’s service — so they decided to trash the place on their way out.

The incident took place on Monday night at a Chick-fil-A in the River City neighborhood of Jacksonville, Fla., according to Allison Music, a witness who shared footage of the ordeal on Facebook.

In her post, Music explained that she was waiting for an order at Chick-fil-A when she saw a teenage boy arguing about his order with the staff “for a good 15 or 20 mins.” She also said the manager had locked up the store in response.

Soon afterward, a pair of women began beating on the locked door of the restaurant, and even broke one of the door handles before entering through another set of doors, Music claimed. The two women then proceed to start “yelling and arguing” with the workers, who were already on the phone with police.  more here

17 Comments on Chick-fil-A patrons trash restaurant over cold nuggets

  1. Gee, that’s something extremely unusual to see. Urban apes demonstrating a complete lack of self control and behavior. This kind of trash goes on because they get away with it. If a few were carried out on gurneys it would end.

  2. Watching the news nationally would make any business owner today hesitant or even unwilling to serve blacks. A good lawyer can make the case that fear is justified.

    That would put the judge and jury in the position to be falsely claim that blacks act like everyone else.

  3. What’s even crazier, is that the kid that ordered the cold mcnuggets, was given a full cash refund BEFORE these two monsters did their performance art.

    Where’s the problem?

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