Amnesty Is Six Times More Expensive than Deportation Per Illegal Alien, Report Claims – IOTW Report

Amnesty Is Six Times More Expensive than Deportation Per Illegal Alien, Report Claims

Breitbart: An immigration think tank released a report that concludes it is more cost-effective to deport illegal aliens than to keep them in the U.S. The price for American taxpayers is $10,854 per illegal alien removed, compared to their average lifetime net fiscal drain of $65,292.

The estimated 11 million illegal aliens cost American taxpayers at least $746.3 billion for the entire population, according to a report by Center for Immigration Studies’ (CIS) director of research, Dr. Steven A. Camarota. By factoring in the “net present value” concept utilized by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS), Camarota estimates the total lifetime cost to taxpayers to be in the $1.4 – $1.5 trillion range.

The U.S. government estimates there are 11.43 million illegal immigrants stateside. Open borders advocates frequently argue that amnesty is the answer because it is too expensive to deport them.  more

5 Comments on Amnesty Is Six Times More Expensive than Deportation Per Illegal Alien, Report Claims

  1. I suspect that it is several multiples of 6x for the actual cost of supporting all these freeloading, criminal invaders if all costs are figured in (crime, disease, government largess, medical care, “free” education, etc.).

    The cost to deport can be pretty close to nothing if done the right way. Just announce that anyone here illegally can leave right now or be deported. If we have to deport you, you’ll be fingerprinted on the way out and everything you own will be confiscated. If you ever try to cross our border again under any circumstances (legal or illegal) you’ll be executed on the spot.

    I suspect that self-deportation would be the order of the day.

  2. Go to the FEC, get the election donation lists to both parties for the last fourty years. From those lists make up a sum that each donor will have to pay to reimburse every real American due to the Supreme Court mistake in Plyler vs. Doe back in 1982. Just watch how the valley bigwigs will toss aliens over the wall themselves.

  3. Along the lines of what Bubba’s Brother said, under Eisenhower the cost only applied to the first bunch, the rest bailed on their own. We’re already seeing some of that.
    Of course the libs don’t care about cost, that’s just a talking point for them.

  4. Build the wall and send the bill to Mexico for the actual cost! include an addendum for 1.5 trillion dollars for the care and keeping of multi-millions of their illegal citizens that have roosted here for the past 50 years! Add an additional 500 billion for interest and nuisance fees!

  5. Now multiply that supposed 11.43 million by at least 3, maybe 4, and possible 5 times to get the ACTUAL number of illegals.

    They’ve been using the same 11 million number for at least a decade. Pew Research admits there were more than half a million visa overstays in 2011 alone. This isn’t the illegal border crossers, just the ones who had visas and didn’t leave when they were supposed to.

    Question? How can they know how many illegals there are if they’re “in the shadows”? If they can pin such a precise number on the illegals, they obviously know who and where these criminals are.

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