AZ Poll: Bashing Trump Is Not Working For Flake In His Home State – IOTW Report

AZ Poll: Bashing Trump Is Not Working For Flake In His Home State


DC: Republican Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake’s approval rating is at a drastically low number in his home state after he has continued to bash President Donald Trump according to a new Democratic Poll.

The left leaning polling group, Public Policy Polling (PPP) found only 18 percent approve of the job Flake is doing. Meanwhile 62 percent disapprove and 19 percent are not sure how they feel about him. These numbers come after Flake has continued to criticize Trump throughout his presidency and refused to endorse him during the 2016 presidential campaign.

If the 2018 mid-term election were held today, just 31 percent of respondents said they would support Flake’s re-election bid, compared to 47 percent who said they would support a generic Democratic opponent, according to the poll.  read more


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27 Comments on AZ Poll: Bashing Trump Is Not Working For Flake In His Home State

  1. Politics 1 shows 3 Republicans looking to primary Flake. I don’t know who is who, but I have heard of Kelli Ward, who got some traction in her last bid. Are there any Arizonans out there who can inform us and help outsiders understand the lay of the land?

  2. I know Brett Bozell is hopping mad at Flake for ripping off the Goldwater book, ghost written by Bozell’s father “conscience of a conservative”. The covers are remarkably similar as well. He was on Varney yesterday and ripped Flake a new one.

  3. PHenry: 3 Republicans running against Flake in the primary??? Not good news. They will split the anti-Flake vote 3 ways, and guarantee him the nomination. Let’s hope the field thins out to one good, strong, pro-Trump candidate before 11/18.

  4. I remember when Flake was running at the height of the tea party time, he constantly pandered to them on FB, then shut the love off once elected. They noticed, evidence the comments that followed, for some time now, mostly angrily negative. Hope Arizona replaces him with someone better.

  5. It’s very simple: ALWAYS vote out the incumbent. Every incumbent, every time.
    Legislators are supposed to be citizen representatives–not ‘professional’ politicians.

    The longer they ‘serve’, the more they steal.

  6. PHenry — Kelli Ward left the AZ state legislature to run against McCain in 2016.

    This is part of her statement at her website: “I know that I can do more to advance the ideas of freedom and liberty so eloquently described in our founding documents, which is why I’ve decided to run for the United States Senate against Jeff Flake.”

    Interesting the article above doesn’t mention her.

  7. Flake is yet another AZ politician who flew under the radar. I voted for the guy; never gave him so much as a second of thought

    Amazing, the things I’m seeing now

  8. Arizona resident for last 4 years–actually live in the area where Kelli Ward is from–She is a loyal to Trump it seems, not sure on her stance for immigration, she does not have much presence or name recognition or prior experience in politics that I can see. She was totally outspent against McCain. IMO Jeff DeWitt would be a much better candidate, he is currently the State treasurer and is a savvy businessman and knows the political scene, strong Trump supporter. Best case scenario is to run DeWitt against Flake, and have Ward appointed to replace McCain. UGH that slimy effing weasel McCain makes me want to puke.

  9. There are too many old school voters in AZ who think that because McCain has been in D.C. so long, they stand a better chance of getting pork out his office. I think it would be impossible to replace him with a political neophyte like Ward.

  10. PHenry — I saw that segment with Varney yesterday. Flake totally ripped off Bozell’s book, cover and all. How disgusting is that?! I hope Brent has an opportunity to confront him, personally, about it.

  11. Time to have reform and limit these swamp creatures to 1 term and get rid of the 17th amendment. Senators forget they are supposed to represent the state and are not there to get rich.

  12. Flake the Snake and McStain will pull out every stop to return to the gravy.
    Ward and DeWitt need to make a plan. They can’t both take Snake’s seat. If they don’t get it together, he could slither back in.

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