West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice: “The Democrats Walked Away From Me” – IOTW Report

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice: “The Democrats Walked Away From Me”

LifeZette: President Donald Trump on Thursday stormed into West Virginia and left with a political coup — a party switch involving one of the country’s dwindling number of Democratic governors.

Gov. Jim Justice, who won election as a Democrat last year despite Trump’s landslide win in the presidential race there, drew enthusiastic cheers in Huntington on Thursday when he announced he would no longer could remain in the party.

“Like it or not like it, but the Democrats walked away from me,” he said, echoing former President Ronald Reagan’s famous line. “Today I will tell you with lots of prayers and lots of thinking, today I tell you as West Virginians, I can’t help you anymore being a Democrat governor. So tomorrow, I will be changing my registration to Republican.”   MORE

Videos of President Trump’s MAGA Rally in  Huntington West Virginia, with Governor Jim Justice, at Conservative Treehouse.

16 Comments on West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice: “The Democrats Walked Away From Me”

  1. It is a net win for the R’s, Boehnerdict. I don’t mean to be a downer, but I do wonder at a man of his age being a Democrat. I read that he ran as a “conservative D”, not at all sure what that means. Would he have switched if Trump had only taken WV by a point or two?

  2. “It’s great to hear another Democrat in West Virginia has joined the conservative ranks,” Lucas said.

    Facts not in evidence yet. Let’s see what he does for his coal miners.

  3. CoD. — Thanks for that info. So his “announcement” wasn’t all that special, right? I’m a little disappointed to learn this. It makes it look like a political stunt. Not Trump’s style, really.

  4. LOL! Rush Limbaugh just called this guy, Buford T. Justice. He’s the sheriff played brilliantly by Jackie Gleason in the movie, “Smokey and the Bandit”, starring Burt Reynolds -1980. He was also in the sequels. If you haven’t seen this character, here’s a hillarious clip;
    https://youtu.be/0_Er9Sb983s .

  5. Flip nailed it. US Senator Joe Mnuchin (D-WV) really needs to look at himself in the mirror and decide to do the right thing and switch his party affiliation to R.

  6. Well, the GOPe Rs are also walking away from Trump. Actually many are not so much walking away as just walking a whole lot slower, drifting back using Obumbles plan of leading from behind, where they’re in the right place to stab PDJT in the back or make McCain faces at him.

    As for Jim Justice, I believe he used to be registered R, changed to D to run for Governor, now switched back. I hope it’s making Joe Man-chin’s boxers feel 10x to small. Neither Joe nor Shelly Moore Capito are worth a damn. If Joe’s voice goes up a few octaves he might switch parties to deepen his voice a little before next election and not sound so much like a girly-man. Perhaps his only accomplishment will be to keep Turtle-man Mitch in the Senate drivers seat. Not much to brag about. The Senate leader needs to have something going for him above, Well he not as bad as Chucky Shummer. Don’t forget SMC did not vote to repeal Obummercare, standing with the 7 turncoats. She only voted for the Skinny bill, which wasn’t much of a repeal. Kind of a Repeal In Name Only. RINO-Repeal.

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