Al Gore: ‘Because of Pope Francis, I Really Could Become a Catholic’ – IOTW Report

Al Gore: ‘Because of Pope Francis, I Really Could Become a Catholic’


Former vice president Al Gore told CNN that he would consider converting to Catholicism because of the witness of Pope Francis, particularly in the area of environmental concern.

“I’m a Protestant, but I’ll tell you, because of Pope Francis, I really could become a Catholic. He is really an amazing spiritual leader,” Gore told Father John S. Rausch, who appeared with him on CNN Tuesday as part of a climate change town hall event.

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30 Comments on Al Gore: ‘Because of Pope Francis, I Really Could Become a Catholic’

  1. He’s a long time liberal Baptist/New Ager who hates the saving Gospel of the grace of God. Go ahead and go to Rome, Al, you’ll be no closer to Christ than you are now, and you’ll be sure to find a bigger, ready-made audience of liberals who’ll suddenly “see the light” on your global warming hoax just because you crossed the Tiber.

  2. “I think Pope Francis is quite an inspiring figure really,” he said. “I’ve been startled with the clarity of the moral force that he embodies.”

    Hahahahahaha! That’s a good one!

  3. Converts are the worst. Algore as a convert would be the double worst. My brother-in-law converted to Jewish, his wife is agnostic so the kids are Jews. What a hassle at Christmas. His kids get Jew gifts and Christmas gifts. My son was born Dec 20, my mother-in-law and her twin on Dec 24, and the Jew and his kids overshadow it all.

  4. My favorite religious conversion story:

    Two Jewish friends are walking down the street when they see a sign on a Catholic church that says, “Convert to Christianity, and we’ll give you $100. Only takes 30 minutes.”

    The one Jew says to the other, “What do you think? Should we do it?”

    The other says “NO! Are you crazy?”

    The first guy replies, “Look, we don’t really have to do it. We can go in, listen to the spiel, and pretend that we’re converted. They’ll never know any better and we make a hundred bucks for a half hour’s time.”

    The other guy says, “OK, you go in first and I’ll wait for you here. If it works for you, maybe I’ll do it next.”

    So the first guy walks into the church, and half an hour later, he comes back out.

    His friend excitedly asks, “Well, did you get the money?”

    The first guy sneers at him and snarls, “Is that all you people think about?”

  5. It’s a Manbearpig Cult failure reset.

    Join Algore, cut your balls off, drink the Flavor-Aid. Here’s a purple blanket and tennis shoes, lie down so your spirit can catch comet as it rounds the Sun. Just give him all your money and let him bang your wife and daughter first.

  6. Drop the idea, Al. We got enough problems with too many idiots in the Faith right now! Especially Francis!! Malachi Martin was right in quoting Pope Paul VI years ago – “Through some fissure, the smoke of Satan has entered the Church”, or something to that effect.

  7. Personally I distrust all organized religion much as I distrust organized politics.
    And I’m not a joiner by nature.
    I think I have a personal relationship with
    God. Middlemen and charlatans are deleterious to that relationship.

  8. James 1:5-8
    If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

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