Anonymous CNN Sources Rip Jim Acosta – IOTW Report

Anonymous CNN Sources Rip Jim Acosta

Oh my. Looks like CNN has leaks, too.

Hannity: It looks like Jim Acosta’s colleagues at CNN have had enough of the correspondent’s antics during White House Press briefings.

The Washington Examiner’s Eddie Scary reports that anonymous sources within the cable news network are venting their frustration with Acosta’s frequent clashes with members of the White House, including, most recently, his back-and-forth with Trump aide Stephen Miller.

“He’s angling to host an opinion show,” an on-air conservative political commentator for CNN told Scary. “These [White House] briefings are his auditions.”

Scary also reports that Acosta’s behavior has not been popular behind-the-scenes.

“Ugh, just ugh,” the CNN staffer told the Washington Examiner.

Acosta has made a name for himself since President Trump took office by engaging in frequent sparring matches with both Trump and members of his communications team.  more here

19 Comments on Anonymous CNN Sources Rip Jim Acosta

  1. He has further damaged what little credibility CNN has left.
    His antics certainly does not have anything to do with Journalism or keeping people informed of the issues.

    More like an ill prepared high school debate team who is destined to leave the debate early.

  2. This is why Spicer started going to off-camera only briefings, so that he could cut the wind in Acosta’s (and many others) YT sails. So funny that his colleagues recognize what he’s doing.

    In the same briefing, another Fake News reader twice made an accusation that POTUS had lied about something. Then Acosta went there — completely unfounded and meant simply as a sound byte. It’s one thing to ask gotcha questions, but it’s rankly belligerent to call the POTUS a liar just for fun. I’d freeze those guys out.

  3. Why allow this guy to do this?

    What is stopping Trump from just removing him and his network from the briefing room? Would it be better or worse?

    My God man, stop the abuse and just kick him out.

  4. It’s not surprising that CNN staff are cutting into this idiot. In Trump the US has a President that will not stand there and take endless crap. At some point Trump could just say screw it and jerk CNN press credentials. There’s be a hue and cry but Trump has Twitter and if he’s careful in crafting his message CNN could be screwed and their staff know it.

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