1 Million New Jobs in Trump’s First Six Months – IOTW Report

1 Million New Jobs in Trump’s First Six Months


Hannity: The United States has added more than one million jobs since President Donald Trump took office back in January; smashing expectations and pushing consumer confidence and unemployment to levels not seen in 16 years.

The US economy was on fire in July, creating more than 209,000 jobs and smashing analysts’ expectations. The unemployment rate fell to just 4.3%, the lowest level seen since the early 2000s.

During the ‘Great Recession’ of 2009, the unemployment rate peaked at roughly 10%.

“The economy is looking pretty good,” said a senior economist at ZipRecruiter, one of the nation’s leading job recruitment websites.  read more

7 Comments on 1 Million New Jobs in Trump’s First Six Months

  1. Well, according to most ‘closed-minded-liberals’ it doesn’t matter what Trump does that is good…..it’s what he ‘may have done’ that really counts.

  2. “What was dumb asses numbers for his first six months”

    I’m in a heated battle right now on FB with a bunch of brain dead libs that are claiming Trump is actually losing jobs in the market and that hes destroyed the job growth O pussy created. It’s freaken like they’ve been in a big liberal cave.

  3. Maybe a better question is – what were dumb ass’ numbers for his last six months. Or for his entire 8 years.
    Of equal importance – what is the average income for those jobs and these jobs?

    Obumbles jobs created numbers were usually misleading. Where many people were forced to work two jobs, to make half their previous income. You know – lies and statics and odd math from the dept. of labor.

  4. And all without some big union bail out stimulus package and talk of “shovel ready” from some one who likely had never used one, or blather about “hope and change” while destroying our borders and letting questionable Muslims in the White House.

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