Where does Maxine get her money? – IOTW Report

Where does Maxine get her money?


The Lid: Bloomberg reporter Anna Massoglia recently “fell down a rabbit hole” when she began looking at California Democrat Maxine Waters’ recent tax filings.

Massoglia stared at the paperwork for hours and simply could not make the math work.

Between high priced dinners, paying her daughter exorbitant amounts, and paying for big fundraising events it seemed that Mad-Max-ine should be broke… but she’s not.  more here

22 Comments on Where does Maxine get her money?

  1. She’s not called one of the most corrupt pols in Congress for nothing. Awful that being one of the worst kept secrets in D.C., all it garners is a shoulder shrug. Why no investigation? She’s black and a woman — in that order.

  2. Give Maxine the same treatment the dems are giving Trump. Put her life and finances under the microscope. See just how many felonies she’s committed under the treasonous gay Kenyan commie’s watch alone. Should be locked up for life by the end of the week.

  3. From 2009-Maxine Waters under scrutiny for bank ties
    The Los Angeles congresswoman’s husband had ties to OneUnited Bank, which received bailout funds. She helped set up a meeting last fall with the bank and Treasury officials.
    Typical Democrat with her hand in the cookie jar.

  4. You deplorable misogynists are just butt hurt that smart womyns can make more money wild a$$ guessing on futures contracts, than all you credentialed good ole boys, combined!

  5. Maxine waters must have a mystery bank that pays huge interest rates , even with her husband’s salary, I don”t see how she can afford a mansion and other properties. She is definitely a racist when she encouraged restaurants and people to chase people known to work for or support President trump. It reminds me of when black persons sat in a lunch facility way back in the mid 20th century. Descrimination, goes both ways. Keep flapping your guns you dumb actors, you keep showing your ignorance not thinking some of your fans are republicans, same with public entities, like restaurants. We are paying attention and you don’t know it, but you are losing fans and business. I wonder how Meryl Streep feels after referring to Harvey Weinstein as her/our god, now that he has been exposed as the creep he is. Actors should keep to what they know instead of getting involved in losing fans like they are doing. Keep talking Nancy pelosi, you are doing more for the republican party than I ever could.

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