Spain Loves That Trump’s New Ambassador Nominee Actually Speaks Spanish – IOTW Report

Spain Loves That Trump’s New Ambassador Nominee Actually Speaks Spanish

NTK: The Spanish press was abuzz last night after the White House announced the nomination of financier Duke Buchan III as Ambassador to Spain. Why? Major Spanish outlets like El MundoOK Diaro, and El Pais highlighted how unlike President Obama’s last ambassador and many of his predecessors, Buchan actually speaks Spanish and even has a working knowledge of Catalan, as well as a long, demonstrated involvement and commitment to Spain, its culture, and people.

Spanish reaction on Twitter reflected this point:  MORE

8 Comments on Spain Loves That Trump’s New Ambassador Nominee Actually Speaks Spanish

  1. One of the many nice thing about Trump financing most of his campaign, is that he doesn’t hand out key diplomatic posts to moronic high dollar donors but, instead hands them out to qualified people.

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