FRANCE: Man Shot and Arrested After Car Ploughs Into Group of Soldiers Patrolling Paris Suburb – IOTW Report

FRANCE: Man Shot and Arrested After Car Ploughs Into Group of Soldiers Patrolling Paris Suburb

Breitbart London: A 37-year-old man was arrested Wednesday afternoon in a gun battle after a manhunt was launched following an apparent attack in which French soldiers were hit by a car in a suburb of Paris.

It is reported that six soldiers of the 25th infantry regiment were injured in the incident, two of them seriously. Ouest France reports the car involved in the incident waited outside a French army barracks in Levallois-Perret, a suburb of Paris, driving into the soldiers as they left the facility at approximately 0815 Wednesday morning.

The car was driven away after it struck the soldiers, and police launched a manhunt. Six hours later, officers arrested a suspect who was driving north on the motorway in the direction of Calais, according to reports.

The arrested man, said to be the main suspect in the investigation, was hit in an exchange of gunfire with officers and was evacuated to hospital afterwards. His identity has not yet been revealed.  MORE

— I’ll give you 3 guesses.

18 Comments on FRANCE: Man Shot and Arrested After Car Ploughs Into Group of Soldiers Patrolling Paris Suburb


    As long as they continue to provide protection to politicians who gleefully allowed this virus into the country to victimize everyone but themselves, they are complicit.

    1. Stand down, and let the public take their revenge.
    2. Assassinate your terrorist-enabling leaders.

  2. Are there French men capable of saving their country by any extreme measures, singularly or organized — or are they too concerned with their skinny jeans and scarves and make-up.

  3. 75% of the reason French cops don’t pounce and strangle these assholes is because their president and upper law enforcement types do not have their backs. Same as it was here with ICE and 0bama.

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