‘Poisonous Atmosphere’ Grips McMaster’s National Security Council As Accusations Fly – IOTW Report

‘Poisonous Atmosphere’ Grips McMaster’s National Security Council As Accusations Fly

Daily Caller: Finger-pointing erupted within the National Security Council following a major leak to The Washington Post of telephone transcripts between President Donald Trump and the leaders of Mexico and Australia, The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group has learned. And as the U.S. inches closer to war with North Korea, the White House body charged with discussing and coordinating U.S. foreign policy is engulfed in what one administration official called a “poisonous environment.”

Initial leak accusations from two White House officials focused on Megan Badasch, the National Security Council (NSC) deputy executive secretary, who manages the NSC’s document portal. The portal included transcripts of his discussions, which makes her one of three people with access to the leaked documents. But three senior officials within the White House say Badasch had nothing to do with the leaks, and point out that no evidence has been provided to prove that she did.

The finger-pointing is a reflection of growing divisions within the NSC under Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster. Three current administration officials interviewed by TheDCNF blame the volatile McMaster for the atmosphere and for a growing demoralization among the staff. One official characterized the NSC under his leadership as a “poisonous environment.”  MORE

17 Comments on ‘Poisonous Atmosphere’ Grips McMaster’s National Security Council As Accusations Fly

  1. I’m not sure why this seems important to me but I’ll just throw this out there. Remember Mike Rogers’ private and unauthorized meeting with the Trump campaign back last summer or fall? I don’t know, but is Trump leaving some key bad apples in place just to see where this is all going? I read somewhere last week, and please correct me if I got it wrong, but someone said that the NYT’s characterization of Trump’s loyalty to McMaster was cut out of whole, fabricated cloth. It wasn’t true.

    In any event there is a big clash between a large faction of Trump’s base and others who insist McMaster is not the problem. Perplexing.

  2. AA, I’ve read it several places, but I remember the Cancerous Knob making the recommendation and being a little taken aback when Trump made the nomination. I’ll see if I can find something for you.

  3. If Trump is keeping guys of questionable Intensions around for the purpose of allowing them to expose themselves, and then put the hammer down, I’ve got to say I don’t like that. It’s time to give him and some others their walking papers.

  4. Joe I don’t think that’s it. I’ve heard that theory a lot and it’s seems thin to me. One of Trumps strongest assets is his ability to team build. I think until recently he’s been trying to pull the party together. I think the hiring of Kelly as chief of staff and the elimination of Rinsed Penis singles an end to that attempt.

  5. Yesterday, Hugh Hewitt was interviewing some GOP Congressman, and the McMaster controversy came up. The GOP guy said McMaster was a great guy, just perfect for the job, but he was the victim of a Russian disinformation campaign. Unbelievable.

  6. Yup, and Bannon is between a rock and a hard place. He can’t stand McMaster and McMaster has fired several of Bannon’s people. I hope Trump isn’t abandoning the people who got him there.

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