Eye Roll: Trump Dossier Firm Turns Over ‘Documents’ To Senate Panel – IOTW Report

Eye Roll: Trump Dossier Firm Turns Over ‘Documents’ To Senate Panel

More Nothingburger, please.

DailyCaller: Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm behind the Trump dossier, turned over thousands of pages of documents to the Senate Judiciary Committee late Wednesday, The Daily Caller is told

But the documents do not appear to be what the committee was hoping that Fusion GPS and its founder, Glenn Simpson, would provide.

“The committee is reviewing the production received late this afternoon from Mr. Simpson, but virtually all of the documents appear to be merely news clippings rather than records of Fusion’s substantive communications,” George Hartmann, a spokesman for the Senate Judiciary Committee, told TheDC.

The paltry document production escalates the standoff between Fusion GPS and the Judiciary Committee, which is chaired by Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley.

After Simpson declined an invitation to testify before the committee last month, Grassley issued a subpoena to compel him to appear. But the subpoena was withdrawn after Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, said he would voluntarily meet in a closed session with committee staff.

A date for that meeting has not been set.  MORE

8 Comments on Eye Roll: Trump Dossier Firm Turns Over ‘Documents’ To Senate Panel

  1. Ya know, I spent 40 years in corporate America in one form or another and in positions that required tons of emailing, writing of documents, etc. and, for the life of me, I have no idea how someone creates “thousands of documents” or “150,000 emails” — just during the time they occupied a particular position or worked on a particular project. And that doesn’t even take into account the time they spent on the phone, 1:1 meetings, and texting. I can’t get the vision out of my mind of a spastic, driven lunatic sitting at a keyboard all day and night tapping out emails.

    Are they counting spam, too?!

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