Sebastian Gorka Blames Clinton And Obama For Rise Of North Korea – IOTW Report

Sebastian Gorka Blames Clinton And Obama For Rise Of North Korea

DC: After CBN anchor David Brody played a clip from 1999 showing President Donald Trump sounding the alarm on North Korea, Gorka praised Trump for his foresight and said during the Wednesday interview that “the president saw the price of appeasement which happened afterwards during the Clinton administration and then during the Obama administration, and today we are paying the price of that appeasement of Pyongyang.”


13 Comments on Sebastian Gorka Blames Clinton And Obama For Rise Of North Korea

  1. And China couldn’t produce anything much more sophisticated than fireworks before Slick Willie allowed the transfer of telemetry and merv technology. Now they’re aimed directly at us. Thanks again Bill.

  2. Gorka forgot about Bush’s submission and failure dealing with NK.
    Probably an oversight (?). I suspect not.

    For decades the North Koreans have used threats or destabilizing actions to extract (blackmail) aid from great powers.

    Even George Bush caved to NK demands. President lifted trade sanctions against North Korea and moved to remove it from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism. All based upon NK dismantling the nuclear program.

    How id that work out for you George?

  3. Youtubes from the 80’s have Trump telling all who will listen that out trade deals suck and have to be negotiated to put America first. Now we find tape from 1999 where Trump warns that if politicians don’t take a hard stand against North Korea in the next 5 years they’ll only enable them in becoming a nuclear power.

    This is the kind of thinking McConnell wants kept out of DC and is in cahoots with the rest of the moderately bright crooks club to take down.

    They’re stupid but there are a lot of them.

  4. Just read this morning Bill & Hill an Chelsea & kids are Headed to Canada, Quebec. Hmmm whats up w/that?

    P.S. My Likey Pic doesn’t work all the time.Might need a tweaking.

  5. “And China couldn’t produce anything much more sophisticated than fireworks before Slick Willie allowed the transfer of telemetry and merv technology. Now they’re aimed directly at us. Thanks again Bill.”

    OrganGrinder nailed it. Prior to disgraced ex-President Clinton and fraudster VP Al Gore giving the green light to the LORAL Corp to transfer American missile technology to the Commie Chinks, their missiles’ CEP Circular Error of Probability (ability to hit what they’re aiming at) was measured in miles. But within 2 years of the technology transfer, the Chinks’ ICBM missile tests were within a couple hundred yards.

    The Clintons and Al Gore and Kenyan-born Obama are traitors.

  6. Let’s not forget the Clintons allowing Chicom scientists into American nuclear weapons laboratories and then acing surprised as every advanced nuclear weapon design is stolen.

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