Watch McConnell Whine Because Trump Expects Too Much Of Congress – IOTW Report

Watch McConnell Whine Because Trump Expects Too Much Of Congress


30 Comments on Watch McConnell Whine Because Trump Expects Too Much Of Congress

  1. Well, Mitch, your boy Paul Ryan over in the House sure was taliking up a big bunch of action a few months ago. Are you saying we are stupid to believe your lies? Because that is what it sounds like.

  2. Heavens, NO ONE should expect action from a big stone building in DC full of lazy idle self-important louts raking in cash from lobbyists.

    Turtle Boy, STFU and do your f’n job, otherwise GTFO and let someone in who WILL represent the American people.

  3. Heard Rush on this yesterday. He completely ripped and dismantled McConnell’s lie.

    Rush has only recently opened up to (or is only recently admitting to) the idea that the Rs really don’t want to repeal Obamacare. If I thought I could get through I would remind him that the talk of repeal, which Rush admits is the #1 thing we hired them to do, turned to repeal/REPLACE right around the time the SC said it’s a tax. That was the moment the Rs didn’t want it destroyed without replacing it with something that could still make money for the government. And failing that, not repeal it at all.

  4. Wow, Mitch is irritated.
    The fact is Mitch can’t lead a horse to water, let alone an Elephant.
    The House and Senate has always moved slow, otherwise it would require them to work and earn their salary, Cadillac healthcare benefits and other perks.
    Whine, deflect criticism and blame the system, but by all means take no responsibility for your failure. Isn’t that what most 8 year olds do?

    Yeah, don’t irritate Mitch or he won’t do anything …. he must have been irritated his entire political career.

  5. He thinks the RICO operation they run is called “Work”… how about picking up a sledge hammer and trying to swing it a few times you old homo ??? Maybe you will get a different understanding of what “work” is… Homo.

  6. Filthy old insider that’s more concerned with comity with the other side than any principled direction for the party. He revels in the trappings of his position, yet produces nothing in the way of progress for our party. He never really has.

  7. Scum-sucker’s face turned red, too, indicating that he knows he’s a lying sack of monkey shit, and so does everyone else.

    He’s a greedy statist totalitarian would-be tyrant who is as dishonest as a “Cretan” and as unreliable as a raghead.
    Fuck him.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. You are right for once Mitch the Bitch we have been expecting too much from a congress filled with assholes, dolts, con artists, self-lovers, whiners, cretins, apes, clowns, and perverts!

  9. Said it before, saying it again.

    Calling this congress dysfunctional, inept, etc, is giving them too much credit. It’s long past the point we call them exactly what they are: MONOPARTY. How exactly Rs are assimilated in every case, no one will ever know. But that’s the simplest and most reasonable explanation for running on exactly what Trump said he wants to do and swearing to voters that’s what you will do when given Congress and the WH…but then finding excuse after excuse not to do it.

    After this one, McConnell is going to be completely out of excuses but I don’t think he cares.

  10. Imagine Mr. Trump, the builder, being told by a general contractor who is way behind schedule, that he has “excessive expectations”?
    That GC would be out on his arse in a New York minute.
    McConnell should be removed for incompetence or impeached for lying to the American people.

  11. Mitch had no trouble bending over for Obama’s slightest wish to destroy the country.
    All of these SOB’s should be arrested and tried as traitors as they are deliberately refusing to protect this country and it’s citizens.
    Violating their oath of office is a Federal Crime!

  12. The dinosaur of the Senate just hot re elected. Impeachment is a lot faster, The only problem is none of his fellow Senators has the spine to introduce anything. The are a herd of Jelly Fish.

  13. Mitch isn’t really a (R). He’s a progressive operative planted in the GOP to stop anything beneficial from happening. I would spare Manchin before I would spare the Turtle from the gallows.

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