The Fair-Weather Fans of Science – IOTW Report

The Fair-Weather Fans of Science

Patriot Retort:

Say, remember when the Left called us anti-science?

Good times.

Well now the pro-science Left is at war with science.

But of course they are.


In a way, it’s good to know we can stop equating Science with Truth.

It sure will help bolster our argument the next time the moonbat Left marches for the Climate.

See, I told you the other day that this memo by former Google employee James Damore was going to open up a Pandora’s box that the Left will be unable to shut.

And this is precisely why.

He stated scientific evidence that men and women are quantitatively different.

And his claim is being backed up by scientists.  

11 Comments on The Fair-Weather Fans of Science



    Did that get over-turned based on new scientific discoveries, or gay activism?

    Yeah, indeed. It’s only “settled science” when they don’t want to talk about it anymore.

  2. @Vietvet – Exactly right.

    Science is the use of inductive reasoning in an attempt to derive general principles from particular facts/observations.

    Truth, on the other hand, involves accepting a priori that certain propositions are true. One uses deductive reasoning from those general propositions to arrive at particular conclusions.

    In practical terms, science is the method of investigating how things work by way of observation followed by making a hypothesis to describe those observations, and using that hypothesis to design a true/false test of its validity. As such, scientific endeavors must always include the possibility of falsifiability, and that’s in fundamental conflict with Truth as an a priori understanding.

  3. Can they at least tell us where the liberal science category scorecard is kept, so we know the rules too?

    Liberal Science Category Scorecard:
    – This science we fully endorse
    – This science goes against our values so we ignore it
    – This isn’t really science but we say it is all the time so many of our people believe it is

  4. The mentally ill tranny says, “I have a female brain in a male body” and the libtards say he should be chemically and surgically mutilated to have his body match his brain. But, when someone points out that men and women’s brains are different and that they are better suited for different intellectual pursuits, the person pointing out these differences is labeled a misogynist and destroyed.

  5. Guam can’t tip over, sorry. We are the tip of a mountain head raised reef. Don’t listen to your retarded congressmen, and stop voting them into the congress.

    When we get hit by the NORKS, I’ll see if I can get pieces of the missiles to sell for donations for Sir Fur. 🙂

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