Al Gore defends Trump on North Korean nuke crisis: ‘He can’t be blamed for all this’ – IOTW Report

Al Gore defends Trump on North Korean nuke crisis: ‘He can’t be blamed for all this’

Is it snowing in hell?
No. He’s just trying to cover his own butt.

WT:  One of President Trump’s most famous critics came to his defense this week after a vow of “fire and fury” for North Korea: former Vice President Al Gore.

The man behind the documentary “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” may not see eye-to-eye with Mr. Trump on environmental issues, but he told Newsweek for an interview published Friday that diplomatic crises over North Korea’s nuclear weapons program is another story. Mr. Gore took a moment while promoting his latest movie to remind the magazine’s audience of a rogue weapons program decades in the making.

“I think it’s only fair to point out he inherited this crisis,” Mr. Gore told Newsweek. “The previous three presidents were not able to find an adequate solution [to the North Korea crisis], so he can’t be blamed for all this.”  read more


9 Comments on Al Gore defends Trump on North Korean nuke crisis: ‘He can’t be blamed for all this’

  1. LOL, previous 3 Presidents. Great way to throw everyone under the bus Al! Of course if Gore was President, he would have been just as much as at fault. Anyway, whatever libeal cred he had, he just cut it down a lot of pegs by defending Trump.

    Also, I think BJ Clinton might be calling Ciero the Knife to start sharpening his blade, he might have a job for him. (Star Trek reference 🙂 )

  2. Oh, also pertaining to Al Gore; he has ordered the Globaloney Dragon to eat the Sun on the 21st, unless everyone sends him a check.

    This Calamity can ONLY be diverted by giving Al Gore some money.

    Send yours to iWTWReport and they’ll see that Al gets it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It would become crystal clear (even to the SJW’s, Dems, progs and any others out there that fellate anything liberal) who was/is responsible for the mess with North Korea today if any journalist had the balls (or to be fair, ovaries) to step into Bill Clinton and review/research/dig a little on his administrations approach and the NK response. Then do the same with Bush (you won’t find a lot because, for better or worse I don’t think they paid a lot of atention to them) and finally Obama’s record and the NK response. A reasonbly honest report and the truth would be clear. The problem is that there are so few honest journalists left that they ought to be declared an Endangered Species and protected. Even if one did it they’d have to find a news media outlet that would actually publish/broadcast the story and that would be damned difficult today.

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