Pilot Flies 750 Miles to Save a Dog – IOTW Report

Pilot Flies 750 Miles to Save a Dog

Is it dusty in here?

Lisa Adrienne

Good News Network: While dogs might be man’s best friend, this man is now definitely the best friend of Lisa the pup.

Lisa, also known as Adrienne, is a 2-year-old dog who was rescued by the Granville County Animal Shelter in Oxford, North Carolina when she was found on the streets with a severe bladder prolapse. Because the surgery for the prolapse was too serious, Lisa was sentenced to euthanization.

That is, until Animals R Family – an animal wellness center and charity in Englishtown, New Jersey, heard about her plight.

The charity volunteered the $1,500 necessary for the surgery, but they had no idea how they were going to get Lisa from North Carolina to the animal hospital before the deadline.  MORE

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