Insanity Rules in California – It’s the Only Explanation – IOTW Report

Insanity Rules in California – It’s the Only Explanation

FPC: Just a few weeks ago we said we believed the California Department of Justice (DOJ) was insane for attempting to file the same assault weapons regulations they’d already filed twice, and which had been rejected by the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) just a month prior. They simply changed the date and filed them, hoping for a different result.

Well, amazingly, it worked for them. On August 1st, OAL approved the “new” regulations, which, as we warned, are overbroad and burdensome. Dozens of new definitions were added in, arguably creating new types of “assault weapons.”  read more

5 Comments on Insanity Rules in California – It’s the Only Explanation

  1. CA needs to wake up.
    These hateful, anti-American, treasonous maggots need to be taken out and hanged.
    ALL of them.
    These “people” are directly responsible for the deaths of Californians and should be brought to account.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Who the F in their right minds (including Victor David Hansen and some folks here) would STILL choose to live in California?

    Though I can imagine certain possible family or business/financial reasons, I’d be interested to hear “why.”

    Same for Illinois, New York, Vermont, Massachusetts.

  3. Maybe the change of mind occurred when Trump got 60 some postings suddenly approved by the Senate and the lapdogs were told to pass the legislation before Trump starts getting all his Judges passed and actual rulings based on the law will start to come from appellate judges. Wonder if they realize that the laws they pass may be revoked if they infringe on the Constitution or they’re just thinking to get it in force and race to build the databases before it’s ruled out.

  4. Czar of Defenestration AUGUST 14, 2017 AT 2:06 PM
    “Though I can imagine certain possible family or business/financial reasons, I’d be interested to hear “why.”
    Well because moving is one of the most stressful things you can do. I’ve moved a dozen times in my life and it’s hard packing up and or losing what you’ve built.
    Years ago a truck driver tried to drive his truck thru the capitol. That was the last time anybody stood up to the fascist bastards.
    But mostly because I’m waiting to join the return to sanity by whatever means necessary.

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