Organizer of proposed Sept. rally at Lee monument in Richmond says he doesn’t want ‘any of these nuts – right or left ‘ showing up – IOTW Report

Organizer of proposed Sept. rally at Lee monument in Richmond says he doesn’t want ‘any of these nuts – right or left ‘ showing up

RTD: A Confederate heritage advocate who wants to hold a rally on Sept. 16 at the Robert E. Lee statue on Monument Avenue said Monday that he doesn’t want violent people or members of the KKK showing up – and if police can’t ensure that a monument-protection rally would be safe, he would consider withdrawing his request.

Bob Brown Photo

Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney said he was aware of a pending application with the state for the rally.

The city will be prepared for whatever may happen, but that the decision of whether a rally would take place lay with the Virginia Department of General Services, Stoney said.

“I would make the request that in light of the events that happened in Charlottesville that we take a deep look at whether or not this is something that should go forward on Sept. 16,” Stoney said.

Bragdon Bowling, who is asking the state for permission to hold a monument-heritage rally, said “things have changed somewhat thanks to the Charlottesville problems, so we’re kind of reviewing.”

“I’m not saying we’ll call it off. I kind of have to watch and see what goes on,” he said. “I don’t want to see David Duke at this rally, I don’t want to see Antifa, I don’t want to see Black Lives Matter. I don’t want them there.”

If the rally does happen, Bowling said, “I’d want police to separate the crowd, which they didn’t do very well in Charlottesville.”  MORE

h/t PHenry

13 Comments on Organizer of proposed Sept. rally at Lee monument in Richmond says he doesn’t want ‘any of these nuts – right or left ‘ showing up

  1. I grew up revering Robert E. Lee and Thomas Jonathan Jackson, and I was a great admirer of Nathan Bedford Forrest. Years later, I came to appreciate Ulysses S. Grant and even William T. Sherman as great Americans. I never read anything about any Confederate General after the War Between the States was concluded being closely aligned with a group of people who wanted to overthrow the government and resume the War of Southern Secession. How would certain people feel if some of us demanded that statues of Martin Luther King be dismantled, because of his close affiliation with Communists and the funding his organization got from the Soviet Union? There was a real reason why the Justice Department and the FBI bugged his telephones and surveilled his activities, and it wasn’t because he was cheating on Coretta.

  2. Doesn’t matter. If one white person shows up, its by default a white nationalist (dog whistle for white supremist) meeting. So begins anew the 24/7 CNN panel discussions on how Trump has brought this nation to its knees.

  3. I sent a message to our president asking for an EO that no historical statue or memorial will be removed as these are our history. Imagine if we attempted to removed every reminder of any Leftist we find distasteful? If you have a chance, please send a message to the president.

  4. Really Unky Al? Wake up on the wrong side of the stick up your butt this afternoon?

    The point is, the current crop of crazy democrats are tearing down the statues erected by the previous crop of crazy democrats. Lee, Bedford Forrest and all the rest of those dillholes were traitors who took up arms against their own country and then LOST. Biggly. YUUUGELY.

    So who the fudge decided to build monuments to evil fanged monster losers in the first place? Democrats. This is their deal. Americans got nothin’ to do with it.

    Suck on that you anarchist vampire.

  5. Gee, @Aaron Burr, ANTIFA much?

    Uncle Al is correct. Most memorials, statues, plaques, etc will have some inscription on them, noting who and when they were erected.
    If Confederate soldiers and officers were guilty of treason, why did Congress grant the US Veteran status?

    Getting vulgar and abusive with the readership is completely uncalled for and an apology is in order.

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