NRSC goes after Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) – IOTW Report

NRSC goes after Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL)

NTK: The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) released a new Spanish-language radio ad that hits Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) over his ties to communist regimes in Venezuela and Cuba.

The narrator warns Spanish-speaking voters about the Democrat’s ties “with communists and dictators” according to a translation from The Miami Herald:

“Our government in Washington has to stop (Nicolás) Maduro and his accomplices,” the ad says. “What has our Senator Bill Nelson done? In the past, he has aligned himself with communists and dictators. Look at him with Cuba. He supported (Barack) Obama when he negotiated with the other terrorists, the Castro brothers. When Nelson supports the Castros, that only reinforces and encourages others, like it did with (Hugo) Chavez and now with Maduro.”

Nelson, who will seek his fourth term in the Senate in 2018, is running in a state that President Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) also defeated his Democratic opponent in the Sunshine State in an election that was supposed to be a banner year for Democrats.

With a large and influential population of Cuban exiles and South American immigrants in Florida, Nelson can expect to be hit over his communist ties as the campaign moves closer to 2018.  WATCH

10 Comments on NRSC goes after Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL)

  1. You know, there is a benefit to Maduro.
    We freedom loving people can point to Venezuela as an example of what happens when a country goes down the road to Socialism.*
    That really helps ad campaigns like this take hold, and that is a good thing.

    * When I was a kid my elders would point out how the Iron Curtain kept people stuck IN the Soviet countries, and was not used to keep people out. It was a stark example of the perils of Socialism and Communism.

  2. Maybe we should make a deal with all the Democrat (and RINO) politicians, you can turn this country total socialist/communist, but you have to serve out the rest of your years at manual labor. No perks, pensions, etc. Just what the rest of us get.
    Although there’s probably more than a few that would think that’s a good idea…

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