Where is corporate disavowal of Black Lives Matter? – IOTW Report

Where is corporate disavowal of Black Lives Matter?

Michelle Malkin: Liberal business executives are leaping like lemmings from President Donald Trump’s manufacturing advisory council. Good riddance.

These silly string-spined CEOs have sided with social justice agitators, Beltway media enablers and Democratic resistance knuckleheads who believe Trump was wrong to condemn violence and hatred on all sides of the political spectrum. Never mind that of the four people arrested after the violent outbreak in Charlottesville, Virginia, this weekend, two were identified with the white nationalist movement and the other two were left-wing “antifa” counterprotesters.

One of those radical leftists is the man identified as having reportedly punched a female reporter for the D.C.-based newspaper, The Hill. But since that doesn’t fit the national media narrative of journalists allegedly being victimized by right-wing incitements to violence, mum’s the word from corporate media executives and the rest of the preening CEOs.

Merck CEO Kenneth C. Frazier claimed he stepped down from the Trump business panel because he felt “a responsibility to take a stand against intolerance and extremism.” But Frazier, who served on President Obama’s Export Council, felt no equivalent responsibility to take a stand against intolerance and extremism when the White House invited leaders from the violence-inciting Black Lives Matter movement for a forum on policing in July 2016. more

4 Comments on Where is corporate disavowal of Black Lives Matter?

  1. Today’s CEOS rose through the ranks of MBAs who made their bones by driving manufacturing over seas. They are the LAST ones who will admit it was a mistake.

    Today’s crop of MBAs will doubtless try to make their bones by re-shoring. The move will start with smaller companies leading the way.

    Cookie cutter business management theory is simply fashion, it swings back and forth like bell bottoms and mini skirts.

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