‘Assisted suicide laws are at their core about disability’ – IOTW Report

‘Assisted suicide laws are at their core about disability’



Whilst supporters of assisted suicide claim that the opposition of disabled people is irrelevant because these bills are only intended for terminally ill people, the top five reasons given by those using the Oregon assisted suicide law all relate to experiences of disability: “loss of autonomy” (91%), “less able to engage in activities” (89%), “loss of dignity” (81%), “loss of control of bodily functions” (50%) and “feelings of being a burden” (40%).  Assisted suicide laws are at their core, about disability.

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8 Comments on ‘Assisted suicide laws are at their core about disability’

  1. I read an articles in Readers Digest years ago that said that in a Scandinavian country where euthanasia was legal, log people were barraged with “You don’t want to be a burden on your family, do you”

    Yeah, it is voluntary. And abortion cures autism.

  2. I am listening to Jeremiah again. Hmmmm

    And (even?) as a recovering Catholic, I have never been told that God walked away from his covenant with Jews: Tahe Jesus thing. I thought it was extended to Christians, while waiting for Jews to evolve? What don’t we/I know?

    BTW: I am not a Biblical scholar, and I know this is debate material.

  3. A political agenda always begins with “it’s not going any further than this,” but always does go the whole way with the first inch. Just like with abortion or with the homosexual agenda. Once the communistic libs get their way, they intend to get their full destructive agenda. There will be unwilling victims who will be eliminated by communist-run court orders. The newer generations indoctrinated in lib run schools will ignorantly believe it is best for them, and all of society, to eliminate those who are an economic drain and uselessly cumbersome to take care of. Same as the abortion legislation just passed in Oregon, one of the most outlaw States in the Union.

  4. We’ve already got assisted suicide here if you’re 65 or older. It’s called Medicare where you’re given every opportunity to die before you can see the worst doctors in the country.

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