Pelosi’s Dad Once Praised ‘The Lives’ Of Robert E. Lee And Stonewall Jackson At Statue Dedication – IOTW Report

Pelosi’s Dad Once Praised ‘The Lives’ Of Robert E. Lee And Stonewall Jackson At Statue Dedication

According to Liberal standards,  I do believe that would make her daddy a racist! And her also, just by relation.

DC: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s father, the late former Baltimore Mayor Thomas D’Alesandro Jr., once lauded Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson at a monument dedication ceremony in his city over half a century ago.

The statues were torn down by Baltimore authorities last Tuesday after the violent events surrounding the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Va. last week.

According to The Baltimore Sun, the statue, first erected in 1948, included a dedication ceremony of prominent city politicians like Pelosi’s father who led the municipality at the time.

At the dedication, D’Alesandro said of the monument, “Today, with our nation beset by subversive groups and propaganda which seeks to destroy our national unity, we can look for inspiration to the lives of Lee and Jackson to remind us to be resolute and determined in preserving our sacred institutions.”  more here

10 Comments on Pelosi’s Dad Once Praised ‘The Lives’ Of Robert E. Lee And Stonewall Jackson At Statue Dedication

  1. These State leaders should step back and think before they start their whimsical destruction and removal of these monuments.
    They should ask themselves, how will it help?
    I received this letter from a friend in the South:
    “Thank goodness that Confederate Flag has been removed from the South Carolina Capitol. And now they are at last removing the monuments from New Orleans.
    It’s comforting to know that racism will finally be ended by pulling down the flag and removing Confederate monuments. Blacks will now be free to live the American dream, free to keep their families together, free to value education, free to support their own children, free to stop murdering each other, free to graduate from high school, free to get married before having babies, free to stop crime in their neighborhoods.
    Now we will rest easier knowing that those problems have ceased to exist. About 6 percent of the people in the South owned slaves. Was the war about slavery or states’ rights? It appears that 13 per cent of our population is in control of history.”
    Jim Reece, Naples.

  2. So we find out today this old 77 year old whore with breast implants old man was a KKKer and Chelsrat Handlers grandfather was a NAZI officer. Aflecks relatives were slave owners… they should all be put in front of a firing squad.

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